Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
Today we were going to have our first hero course class. To say the class was excited was an understatement. I was excitedly chatting with Tsu and Mina when the door flew open. "I am here...Coming in like a normal person!" A familiar voice exclaimed marching in. I was in awe at the hero, but it wasn't like it was the first time seeing All Might.
I had seen him once before, after the accident. He had saved us, he was too late to save all of us, but still, all of us were forever grateful that he saved us. "All Might," I muttered in awe.
We're going to be doing a battle trial, and All Might has sent us off to change into our costumes. I was excited.
I first designed my costume when I was a young child, and I was expected to be a hero. I took that design and tweaked its appearance a bit, adding more things that would help me in different situations.
I tried to go with a black color scheme. I made sure the costume was water and fireproof. I had a belt that had different pockets, that each contained things like medicine, bandages, and more. I also added two different places where I could place swords. I made sure to add that I wanted insulation so that I wouldn't get too hot. I made sure that there was a wide enough hole by my wrist and back, so that if needed my scorpion wouldn't need to rip through the fabric to get out. And I also had a mask that covered my hairline to a bit below my eyes. The black fabric also helped me blend in with the shadows, and would help if I needed to sneak around. The fabric was also light so that I could be more agile.
(A/N: I'll force my co-author to draw the costume, here are what the swords for each sign look like:
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"Wow, you look so good!" Mina remarked when she saw my costume. Mina's costume was pretty in its own sense. It was a green and purple dress, and boots that were a dark purple, with a cream color.
I was a bit upset that the other signs weren't going to be able to participate in this hero lesson. Nezu said something about how they wouldn't be able to barge into the first lesson, but they would the second.
We all came into the area we were going to be doing the battle trial in. Everyone was fully dressed in their hero costumes. Everyone had cool designs, that not just looked amazing, but they all probably had some uses.
Everyone went up to choose which team they would be on and whether they would be heroes or villains.