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Chapter 6 Harassment


Moments later, Ringmaster comes back into the spotlight and says, "Whew! That was one hell of a speech. Let's hear it again for Janet."

The audience keeps clapping for Janet.

"Alright folks let's try this again... Tonight we are going to witness the most anticipated match in history. All right audience.... Let's get ready to rumble." Ringmaster announces as if he is the next Michael Buffer, UFC announcer. "Just kidding fabulous ladies and gents. I am actually here to present Johnny Godzeera to the stage. He is 450 pounds and going to be the next hottest sumo wrestler!" Ringmaster repeats again. He wants Johnny to show his skills.

"Johnny! Johnny!" the audience chants.

Backstage Johnny Godzeera sighs. He really does not want to do this. He wants this night to be over already. He is tired of Shep Izded being a dick to him and wants to go home to forget this. Day in and day out of dealing with Shep is exhausting.

"Fuck it." He mumbles and he puts on the brave face for the audience. He decides to do it for them.

He finally makes it to the spotlight, fake smiling and says, "Hi again I'm Johnny Godzeera..."

The audience goes wild for Johnny- screaming, yelling, crying, all to get Johnny's attention. Amazed by their reaction, Johnny's smile becomes real and waves to the audience as he steps into the makeshift Dohyo (the sumo ring). He breathes a sigh of relief thinking he made the right decision to come back to the stage. His smile fades as Shep steps on the stage.

"Let's wrestle." Shep grits through his teeth.

Johnny goes for blood; he doesn't care though anymore. Shep needs to be put in his place once and for all. Shep was not prepared for Johnny to be running full speed at him. Shep stepped back just enough to miss the Harite, a slap to the opponents face to distract them. Johnny kept lunging forward, scaring Shep. Johnny catches up to Shep, using the rear foot sweep move, Suso Harai, to trip Shep. As he falls, Johnny grabs Shep's mawashi (sumo belt); suspending Shep in midair roughly, two inches off the ground. Johnny restrains himself from chucking Shep into the audience. Some of the audience members jump out of their seats in excitement. Others are clapping and shouting obscenities, cheering for the fighters.

Johnny sets Shep down on his feet. As Shep settles into gravity, Johnny positions himself to smash forward known as the Oshi Dashi, knocking Shep back down to the ground, still inside the Dohyo. The main objective for sumo is to force your opponent out of the Dohyo, the sumo ring.

"Get up you asshole!" Johnny screams.

"Come on Shep! Kick Johnny's ass!" a dude yells from the back.

Shep stands up shakily and angrily lunges at Johnny forcefully pushing him backwards. Johnny stumbles but catches his balance. Shep comes at Johnny with a Nodowa; a throat thrust movement to push your opponent's center of gravity up and backwards.

"Don't fuck with me, Johnny!"

"Take him down, Godzeera!" a woman yells out.

Johnny uses the Sotogake, a move in where Johnny wraps his calf around Shep's leg to force him to fall backwards. Shep falls to the ground hard nearly taking down Johnny as well. As Johnny re-centers himself, he is quite satisfied with knocking Shep to the floor. Shep finally gets back and flings his football muscle body towards Johnny as if he were a bull. Johnny uses the Hiki Taoshi move as Shep moves closer. Johnny grabs Shep's forearm and pulls him back down to the ground successfully disrupting Shep's full body charge.

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