twenty-four ↪ epilogue

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    Two months went by. Two months of me dreaming about the Guardians and Spider boy every single night. Two months of my life tearing apart with no motivation to keep going. What was the point? What was I supposed to do? Live like it never happened? There was no way I could do that.

    "Mae, the radio broke again! If you don't fix it I swear I'm selling it on eBay!" my brother's muffled voice spoke loudly from downstairs.

    I rolled off my bed with a groan and speed-walked in the living room where the rest of my family was. My two little brothers, Paxton and Jules, were building a Lego Stark Tower set while my mom, dad, and older brother Ashton, were trying to work my grandpa's old radio.

    "I might as well throw the whole thing away" Ash whined. "It's old, and it smells like old people and war"

    "Ashton!" my mom scolded him.

    I took a few steps in their direction and carefully picked up the device. I smiled fondly at the memory of my grandpa gifting me that radio, it was the thing he loved most. I gently flipped it in my left hand and fixed the position of the input and output cables, tuning then the device to a fm channel. There were a few glitching sounds before it finally played a song but, when it did, the whole world fell on me for the second time that Spring.

    "Oh! I remember this song! I used to jam to it as a kid in my panties!" my dad cheered.

    I spun around real quick. "What did you just say?"

    "You did not wear panties!" Ashton mocked my dad.

    My head was spinning and all those memories were coming back. Quill, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Mantis, Spidey, Thor, Stark, Steve. I felt incredibly sick and weak to my knees I had to take a grip and lean on the closest shelf with my free hand. The Rubberband Man was still playing, so loud it made it hard for me to recompose myself. The song went on and on until it didn't.

    "Ugh, stupid radio!" Ashton whined annoyed.

    The radio hadn't stopped working, not exactly, it was catching another signal. I placed the device on the shelf and leaned closer, my ear close on the worn-out speakers. It sounded like a young boy's voice, a kind of podcast or.. something. I slowly turned up the volume a little more and waited and waited, not sure what I was waiting for but there I was, waiting and waiting. There was another silence before the voice spoke again, clearer and louder. I could swear it sounded like.. it couldn't be, it sounded like-

    "Peter Parker!" my little brothers gasped. "That sounds like Peter Parker!"

    I blankly stared at the radio, not sure whether I was going mad or was just sleep deprived. My little brothers had heard it too, though, didn't they? They recognized him too. Yet another silence before yet the same voice spoke once more.

    "Mae, do you copy?"

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