thirteen ↪ rescued

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    There was a loud bump that made our ship move abruptly. Someone was attacking us for no apparent reason, we had to defend ourselves. Quill and Rocket both rushed to the cockpit and hopped each on their seat. The whole ship frantically shook under our feet as they tried to avoid getting shot. As defense mechanism, Rocket shot back at the unknown enemies.

    A deafening bang accompanied a blinding light that damaged one of the wings of our ship. The pressure was skyrocketing, we were going to swoop down and most likely crash. Groot grabbed Rocket and created a seatbelt with his branches, trying to keep us all together. In the panic of the moment, I rushed in Quill's direction and wrapped my arms tight around him from behind in protection. I squeezed my eyes shut, even when I felt his hands tightening around my grip, keeping me even more steady.

    I couldn't tell exactly when the impact crashed our ship on the hard ground, everything went on way too fast. I slowly came back to my senses who knows how much time later, my left leg piercing in pain. I forced my eyes open and looked down where a block of steel was stuck on it. Ouch.

    "Mae?!" a couple of voices frantically yelled.

    "Peter" I faintly called out.

    "Wait!" I heard Quill stop. — "This way!"

    Two familiar figures finally got closer. I tried with all my strength to move the block off my leg, uselessly. When Peter approached, he hurried by my side and helped me push the object away. When he eventually managed to get it out of the way, he moved closer so I couldn't check my leg's condition.

    "How is it? Bad?" I weakly asked, my throat dry.

    "It's okay, it's fine" Peter suspiciously shrugged. — "Look at me, stay awake"

    I nodded and finally let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Quill pulled up his shirt a little, a scratch went from his chest to his tummy.

    The rays of a light in the sky suddenly burned on us. Wait, the sun? Quill had his lips parted apart, his eyes dreamy as he looked up. He looked like a child who had just seen his favorite toy on a shelf. When he glanced back at me, a tear escaped his eye. His pretty face was partly covered in bruises and scratches, dry blood stuck on it.

    "Yeah, yeah, the Star-lord boy" a deep manly voice spoke not too far from where we were.

    I widened my eyes and quickly reacted by pushing Peter out of the way, causing him to stumble on his own feet and fall on the ground. Ouch, sorry boo. I tried to move away as well, uselessly, when a pair of arms pulled me against a hard chest. My cheeks flustered red at the realization of how dangerously close Quill was. My back was being held tight against his chest, his legs intertwined with mine.

    "All clear" the same man spoke up again.

    All I could think about was how close Peter's body was to mine. I could feel his heat spreading in the air, as well as his scent. What I wasn't expecting was him placing his head against my neck in a way that caused my whole body to shiver. The intimacy was skyrocketing, at least for me.

    "What are you turds doing?!" Rocket's harsh voice finally snapped me back to my senses.

    Quill dropped his grip real quick and jumped back on his feet at the same speed. — "Help me get her somewhere safer"

    "Why, what's up?" Rocket quirked an eyebrow confused. — "Wait, did you get hurt?!"

    "It's fine" I winced as I tried to stand up. I stumbled back right away, Quill reacting quick by wrapping his arms around me before I could fall back on the ground.

    "You-" Rocket eyes got wide. — "Your leg-"

    "I just need to lie down for a little bit" I faintly informed as I nervously ran my fingers through my messy hair.

    Rocket thought for a second before speaking. — "Get her to Payzer and stay with her. The shit-heads that shot us are Mogravians, lookin' for dudes from Terra. Both of ya stay out of the way, we got this"

    "You can't fight with-" Quill argued but soon got interrupted.

    "There's no fighting if they don't find ya" Rocket shrugged. — "Take Mantis also, she won't be any use anyway"

    A bunch of unknown terms were being used. Who was Payzer? Why were those so-called Mogravians looking for people from Earth? I genuinely grew worried for Rocket, Groot, and Drax. How could we be sure they wouldn't get hurt? There was no certain proof. We had nothing.


    "So where are we? What's this place?" — I managed to walk all the way to Payzer's, helped by Quill and Mantis.

    "Mograv, Earth's first twin planet"

    "Wait, Earth actually has twin planets?!" I gasped. — "Does NASA know about this?"

    Mantis tilt her head to the side. — "What is that?"

    "Why, what's wrong with the planet?" Quill cluelessly asked.

    I eyed him for a brief second, unsure on rather letting him know or not. — "You've been away for a while but, it's getting worse. Global warming, pollution, stupid people. Earth's dying. Scientists have been looking for a twin planet so they could study it, but they approved a colony shipment on Mars"

    "That's dumb. Mars is not a good catch" Quill quirked an eyebrow.

    "It's-, uh, Mars is my favorite planet actually but, yeah, I get what you mean" I shyly informed. — "I wouldn't want human parasites destroying it as well"

    Peter eyed me briefly. — "You like Mars?"

    "Yeah, so cliché, I know"

    "No, that's.. cute"

    When I curiously glanced up at Quill, his gaze was somewhere else. We had reached our destination, Payzer's main colony. The entrance itself was huge, surrounded by a very wide colorful garden. Even the plants looked a lot like Earth's! Quill, Mantis, and I were escorted to the guests area. The three of us were sorted in two rooms, one next to the other, and left to clean ourselves up and eventually reach the dining point. I wondered why the rest of us didn't come too. It didn't look too bad.

    "So, two rooms?" Mantis quietly asked when Quill was far enough.

    "Yeah, Peter said they didn't have more"

    "Oh, no, what I meant is.. you'll sleep with Quill?"

    "What? No! I'll sleep with you!"

    Mantis unsurely nodded, but she was clearly still confused. — "Are you sure?"

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