nineteen ↪ god of thunder

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    Falling asleep in Quill's arms was the last thing I thought I'd ever do. Soothing talking sessions under the stars were now our thing, and we would always end up falling asleep on each other. That morning, though, something was different. The alarm went off, signaling an intrusion at the main entrance.

    I quickly sat upright and ran my fingers in Peter's hair to wake him up, uselessly. — "Star-boy, wake up, something's wrong"

    "Can't it wait?" his voice hoarse as he lazily rolled over to my side and wrapped his arm around me.

    The emergency siren went off as well. And, this time, Quill sat upright as well. — "Ah, crap"

    We changed into more comfortable clothes and rushed to the lounge area. Rocket and Drax were already on fighting mode, while Mantis and Groot had to wait behind. Peter sweetly glanced down at me. — "You stay back, yeah? I don't want anything bad happen to you"

    "But Peter!" I complained uselessly, he had already made his mind up.

    "Stay safe, sweetheart. We've got this" he smiled softly before sprinting towards the entrance, shooters in hands.

    When the gate opened, we could see a gigantic spaceship parked outside. Only a few people, though, hopped off the vehicle. I couldn't see them clearly before I spotted a hammer. Mjolnir. I widened my eyes and immediately sprang towards them, surpassing our defense barrier. Peter's eyes soon got wide, a look of pure shock flashing through his face. I stood in front of the building and waited for the attackers to notice me.

    "Wait wait wait, don't shoot" a voice spoke. Steve Rogers. He held his shield tight in his hands, his knuckles white.

    "Cap" I sighed breathlessly. — "What the hell are you guys doing?"

    "Mae?" Steve took cautious steps in my direction and stopped a couple of inches away from me. Before I could explain, Quill flied in front of me in protection, shielding me with his own body, and aimed his shooters at Captain America. Steve quirked an eyebrow, genuinely confused.

    "Star-boy, it's okay" I placed my hands on Peter's back and caressed it.

    "Who's this guy? I thought you were with the Guardians?" Steve cluelessly asked. I could feel Quill tense under my touch, so I slid my hands on both sides, stopping on his hips.

    "This is Quill, he's the leader of the Guardians" I informed, Peter's muscles relaxing at my words.

    "Mh" Steve hummed unsure. — "We've been sent here after a specie called Mogravians. Their ships attacked us on Knowhere, they're known to haunt and sell people from Earth"

    "These people here is protecting us from Mogravians. But they can track em if you ask"

    At that point, Quill was completely calm, his shooters pointing down. His guard wasn't fully down, but he was definitely more relaxed. Cap nodded and, before he could agree, Thor sprang in our direction. His hammer was being held extra tight in his hands as he ran, but he abruptly stopped in front of me.

    "Oh, hey, the unknown girl we know!" he grinned like an idiot. Peter tensed up again, his back bumping against my chest as he shielded me.

    "God of Thunder, what's up?"


    After a quick talk with Mantis, we reached Rocket's dorm where everyone was, brainstorming and discussing plan ideas. Groot looked up from his videogame just to roll his eyes.

    "I'm not saying they're assholes, I'm just saying I don't like them" Quill argued.

    "You never really like anyone, Quill" Rocket scoffed. — "The dude in the suit is the reason Mae's here"

    "Still" Peter huffed.

    When they saw me entering the room, they fell silent. I only later noticed Thor standing behind me. I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. He scanned the room and stopped his glance on me. — "Reckless girl, I heard you've flied off Terra with no space experience"

    I took in a sharp breath. Did they know?! Who else knew?! — "Uh, what"

    Rocket snapped his head up at me. — "You had never pilot before?!"

    "Uh, well, I never said I did?" I awkwardly blurted out, my cheeks reddening at such embarrassment.

    Quill was the next to speak. — "You.. You flied the Milano with no experience?"

    There it goes, moment of truth. I had hoped that moment would have never had to come. I didn't want any of them to be mad at me, I couldn't lose them too. I sighed heavily. — "Yeah, sorry"

    "That's.." Peter parted his lips apart. — "..impressive"

    "You flied through two jumps. You legit flied us out the most difficult atmosphere jump in the whole Galaxy" Rocket said flatly. — "Huh. I let you, you're fine"

    Drax abruptly stood up. — "Ha! I won the bet!"

    Quill and I stared at him blankly, not sure of what he was even talking about. They had a bet going on? Rocket groaned. — "Yeah, yeah, she looked skilled!"

    "You knew there was a possibility she had never flied a spaceship?!" Peter scolded.

    "Why so mad, dipshit? I saw it in her eyes. She was willing to sacrifice the very ground she stood on to come and find you" Rocket shrugged.

    I felt blood pumping all the way to my cheeks at his words. — "Dude, can you not?"

    Rocket humorlessly laughed. — "What, you think it's subtle the way you look at him? You were willing to die for that shit-head. That speaks loud."

    "That's enough" Peter called him out.

    I felt tears stinging in my eyes. I tried to blink them away but it just didn't work. My chest was heavy, sign that a panic attack was coming. I gulped and squeezed my eyes shut, why now? I thought I had managed to tame my anxiety. I breathed heavily, tears blurring my view as I tried to walk away from the bunch. The only clear sound was Quill's soft voice.

    "Sweet thing, what's wrong?". His warm touch was my anchor. One hand was drawing circles on my back, while the other one sweetly stroked my hair. — "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here"

    Tears desperately coursed down my cheeks when Peter smoothly wrapped me up in a warm hug. I helplessly sobbed against his chest, his arms keeping me tight and steady against his body.

    "What's wrong with her?" Rocket hurried, worried about my health. — "Is it somethin' I said?"

    "Girls problems, probably. Whatever those are" Thor blurted out.

    Without loosing the grip on me one bit, Peter scoffed and groaned angrily. — "You better go before I fry your ass"

    "My ass?" the God of Thunder asked in confusion. His face features tensed up while he tried so hard to get what my crush meant. Sometimes, Thor kinda reminded me of a different shade of Drax: sarcasm clueless, impulsive, literal speaker. — "Why are you-"

    "Just go, god-man" Rocket jumped in the threat. — "She needs her family now, and that's us. We'll talk to ya and your tights-wearing friend later"

    The Guardians circled us in a much needed group hug. The only one who was taken a little bit back was Mantis, her antennas on alert. — "Friends, something is very wrong"

    Rocket looked up. — "What do ya mean so-"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now