six ↪ starlord

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    "Hey" a familiar voice softly called out. I glanced up from Groot's bed and locked my gaze on him. Quill. He was genuinely so good looking, even more now that he was standing in front of me. — "Just wanted to check on you"

    I involuntary bit my bottom lip and shyly nodded, not being able to hold eye contact with him. It was our first conversation and I wasn't even saying a thing! Rocket was right, I was a dipshit. When I glanced back up at Quill, I noticed he was now standing closer. His grey sweatshirt fit tight against his chest, his green eyes looked even bigger at the contact with the beam light of the room. A dream, I was definitely stuck in a dream.

    He cleared his throat. — "Rocket can be so dramatic sometimes"

    "No, yeah, I get that" I quietly said, my heart pounding. — "He was just worried I guess"

    "You know, I've never seen this room so clean" Peter light-heartedly joked. When I involuntary snorted, he eyed me curiously with a small cute smile.

    "I'm Mae, by the way" I clumsily informed.

    "Mae" he repeated thoughtfully. — "I'm Peter. Quill. But you already know that"

    "Uh, yeah" I unsurely confirmed. Please don't ask me how I know.

    "I am Groot?" Groot fortunately interrupted the awkward silence. Peter looked over at his friend amused.

    "I'm coming, pal" I told him.

    "Huh" Peter let out an almost unnoticeable snort. — "He asked nicely"

    I glanced up at Quill and somehow managed to give him a small smile without embarrassing myself, I guess. He thoughtfully licked his lips and squeezed his eyes a little. — "So who are you? You showed up from out of nowhere, tamed these four, and risked your life for me"

    My cheeks reddened at his words. Please don't ask.

    "I didn't have the chance to thank you properly" he simply said, a small smile making its way on his lips. — "Thank you"

    "I am Groot?" Groot continued as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the door.

    I finally dismissed my gaze from Peter and glanced over at my new friend. — "Awesome mix vol 1 is fine"

    "I am Groot"

    "Just let it play, we love every song anyway"

    "You.. like music?" Quill asked surprised.

    "I am Groot!" Groot smirked as I widened my eyes in shock. He did not just expose me.

    "Huh" Peter snorted. — "I would love to see that"

    "Nope" I quickly stood up straight and walked towards Groot. — "Dude! He didn't need to know I danced around. It was our thing"

    "I am Groot" he shrugged.


    Music blasted through the whole spaceship, as usual. I only sang along when I was sure Quill wasn't anywhere near. It had taken me a few hours to loosen up to the rest of the group, but with Peter.. it was different.

    "Hey shit-head" Rocket called out.

    I snorted and glanced up from the virtual galaxy map. — "What's up, Koda?"

    He stared at me in a chaotic way, I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing at his face. — "What is that"

    "You don't wanna know" I teased.

    "Whatever" he huffed. — "Sorry"

    "What was that?" I gasped playfully.

    Rocket furrowed his eyebrows. — "I'm not saying that again"

    "Ha! Rocket said the sorry word! Haha!" Drax hysterically laughed like an idiot.

    "Drax!" Quill scolded him.

    I eyed Rocket, who was growing uncomfortable, and smiled down at him. — "I accept your apology and I'm sorry"

    "Dance off! Dance off!" Drax enthusiastically cheered. Peter quirked an eyebrow with a smug smile.

    I shot Drax a look that could kill. — "We're not doing that"

    "You usually do?" Peter asked curiously with a grin.

    At the exact moment I said "No", Drax said "Yes" instead. I shot him another look.

    "What is wrong with your face?" he cluelessly asked. He can't be serious.

    "It means shut up" I sighed exhausted. That guy, I swear. — "You should work on that"

    "Ha! You're talking in code!" Drax continued, still clueless.

    "She's not" Rocket face-palmed his face with his paw.

    The room fell incredibly silent, even the music stopped. We all moved our attention on Groot, who had silently made his way to the cassette player and took out Awesome mix vol 1, replacing it with a familiar cassette.

    I widened my eyes. — "Where did you find that?!"

    "Star-lord volume one?" Rocket raised an eyebrow as he read the handwritten note out loud. I felt my heart stop when everyone snapped their eyes on me. I looked away real quick.

    A 80s vintage song started playing. Peter's face went from confused to blank as the song blasted out of the speakers. His green eyes bored into mine for a brief second before he eventually spoke.

    "What's the song?"

    I sighed, embarrassment devouring me. — "It's, uh, an old one"

    His gaze still steady on me. — "Year?"


    Drax's eyes widened more than it was healthy. — "New songs!"

    "No, I- it's not- it's nothing" I stuttered clumsily. — "Awesome mix is great"

    Peter squeezed his eyes a little, focused on the new track. I had no idea what was going on in that cute head of his. I didn't want him to think I didn't like the cassette his mom made for him. His gaze landed back on me. — "I like this one, there's more?"

    For a brief moment, I stood silent, taken aback by his words. — "Uh, yeah"

    "You made a playlist?" Rocket asked confused.

    "I, uh, I really love both the Awesome mix cassette and I would never want to replace them of course. I just- I kinda thought you guys would like new addictions to the collection" I stuttered on my own words. — "Forget it, that's stupid"

    I don't know what came over me after that. It probably had to do with Groot exposing me, even though I knew he didn't do that on purpose. I felt such stress in being in the same room as Quill, and I didn't even know why. I had so many contrasting feelings. I had to sort those out before doing or saying any more thing.

    "What's up with you?" Rocket quirked an eyebrow in confusion. — "You've been acting weird since when Quill is here"

    He did not just say that. — "What? That is so not true"

    "You either hate or love the guy, it doesn't get better than that" he blurted out.

    I parted my lips in shock and glanced over at Peter, who had just stood up and eventually walked away.

    "What the hell, you guys?!" I scolded.

    "What" Rocket scoffed. — "It's you who's been acting like a jackass"

    "Like I don't know, Boo-boo!"


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