sixteen ↪ head over feeling

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    After a few moments of hesitation, Quill's lips curved up into a charming smug. He took off his shoes and, in a quick movement, jumped in the cold water. He splashed me by diving and disappeared under the surface, re-emerging only a few inches away from my face.

    "Well, hello" a flirtatious smile was plastered on his pretty face as he spoke. — "I have to say I'm genuinely surprised"

    I smiled like an idiot. — "Mh-mh. Sorry, star boy"

    Peter snorted before diving for another brief moment. He got back up with his hair stuck on his forehead. — "Boy, I haven't been underwater in forever. I didn't know I missed it"

    "Yeah?" I distractedly answered when I felt his warm hands traveling all the way to my lower back. I was taken aback by such bold action, I didn't know how to read it. — "Peter, hands off"

    "Sorry" he quickly dropped his arms to his side and looked away, his cheeks rosy. He.. apologized? — "I got caught up in the moment, I wasn't thinking"

    The fact was, I was dying for any kind of physical contact with him. A hug, a handshake, anything! But when he did show interest in it, I got scared. I didn't want him to see me as any other girl that had a crush on him, but also yes. But also no. On the other hand, I wasn't sure how much time I had left with him, and if I was ever going to see him again after the meeting on Xandar with the Avengers.

    "I can't float" I blurted out for no reason whatsoever. — "Can you, uh, teach me maybe?"

    Quill's eyes bored into mine curiously, probably wondering if I was messing with him or not. — "Yeah, sure"

    He positioned himself beside me and unsurely placed his hands on my hips as I tried to relax my muscles and let go. I lied on my back, his grip keeping me steady, but inevitably fell into the water with a short notice. When I re-emerged, I frantically gripped onto Peter's bare chest, wrapping my arms around his neck so I wouldn't drown. He enfolded me in his arms and pulled me impossibly closer, our chests bumping into one another.

    I gazed up at him in awe as I met his eyes. He shot me a look I couldn't quite get, so soft my heart melted. His face was only a few inches away from mine, the tension skyrocketing. Quill licked his lips and flickered his gaze from my eyes to my lips. — "You're confusing me"

    I involuntary bit my bottom lip and locked my gaze on his eyes. — "Mh?"

    "I just don't get the signals you're sending me" his voice was deep and low as he spoke, like the situation wasn't overwhelming enough. — "It's driving me crazy. I always know what girls want, but I can't seem to come up with what you may want"

    I tried to act cool and sober while my heart was completely collapsing at how close he was and how low he spoke. He was doing things to me, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. — "Not even I know what I want"

    Peter tightened the grip around me and leaned in so he could whisper directly in my ear. — "What is it you want now?"

    Somehow, my teasing side jumped out. It was not the moment or time, but I never had much control over it anyway. — "Wouldn't you just like to know?"

    "I do" he continued with the same tone, so intense I felt the urge to close my eyes and smile like an idiot. Man, the boy was skilled.

    "QUILL!" Rocket's voice shattered the atmosphere in less then a second. I snapped my eyes open and glanced up at Peter in panic. He was awfully calm instead, a small smug plastered on his face as he slowly leaned it.

    I panicked at how dangerously close he was getting. My self-control was dying from the inside, leaving me with my unhealthy ideas only. Peter's hands slid very slowly from my back to my hips. I could feel his puffed short breaths blowing off my face, each breaking down the mindset of wary caution I had tried so hard to build. There was that something in his eyes that made me weak to my knees by just one gaze.

    "QUILL!" Rocket continued, yelling on the top of his lungs.

    Peter licked his lips with a smug as he slowly let go of me. — "It was fun, little thing"


    The lounge was incredibly silent, the only sound echoing was the one coming out from Groot's Gameboy. The meeting wouldn't start until everyone was present, so I played with him in the meantime. Drax took a few steps in our direction and stopped to stare at us.

    "Why do you sit like a child always?" he asked me, referring to the fact that I would always sit either on the floor or the ground. I smiled up at him and playfully shrugged.

    "I am Groot?"

    "Quill and Rocket. They should be here soon, technically" I answered.

    Unexpectedly, Drax dropped his body on the floor next to us and leaned over Groot's videogame. — "What is that"

    "Arcade Defender. We're on this planet and have to shoot bad aliens so we can save our astronauts"

    "Why?" Drax knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

    "For fun?" I smiled up at him. — "You wanna try?"

    Groot unsurely handed his game console to Drax. The whole time he had wide eyes, worried that his friend would have one of his famous anger attacks and destroy the poor thing. In the middle of showing him the controller's commands, Rocket and Peter swung the door open. Mantis followed them closely, a thoughtful look on her face.

    "What are you dorks doing?" an expression of pure joy on Quill's face lit up the whole room.

    "Mae just showed me this very dangerous game. I have to shoot, don't claim my attention. It's very intense" Drax informed.

    Peter snorted as he glanced down at me. — "You did that?"

    "I think Groot and I just created a monster" I joked.

    Rocket walked in our direction and stopped on his tracks, his eyebrow quirked. I knew that look. — "What, you turds didn't have chairs back home?"

    "Nope" I mocked him. — "Haven't you noticed how I don't know how to sit properly?"

    "It's funny 'cause it's true" Rocket remarked seriously.

    A few moment later we decided to finally have that meeting. Groot, Rocket, and I sat on a separate couch in front of Drax, Mantis, and Quill. Payzer stood in the middle, rambling about Mogravians and their plan. The whole time my eyes were on Peter, his scent printed in my memory. It felt like his touch never left my skin, like he was still so perfectly close. Quill's attention drafted away from the galactic war speech and stopped on me. His eyes were burning me up, that damn smug already present on that gorgeous face.

    "-and Stark, they wish to speak with the girl" Payzer's last words caught my attention. Communication was open again?

    "Who's this people and why do they want Mae?" Rocket huffed annoyed.

    "You've met them, stupid. They sent us here" I whispered to him with a chuckle.

    Rocket rolled his eyes dramatically. — "Ah, yes. The dudes in the suit"

    I snorted at his description of the Avengers, even though he was serious. Peter awkwardly moved from his seat. — "What dudes? What do they want?"

    "You're jealous!" Drax immediately yelled, his index pointing at his friend. — "Haha! I knew it!"

    Quill's eyes widened. — "What?! No, I'm not!"

    Payzer scanned the room before speaking again. — "Mae, come over here. The communication channel is now open"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now