seven ↪ don't go breaking my heart

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    Every step towards Quill's room felt like drowning. What was I supposed to tell the guy? I took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door.

    "Peter, hey, it's me" I bit my bottom lip nervously.

    After a few seconds of hesitation, he eventually answered. — "Come on in"

    I slowly opened the door, stepped in, and shut it close behind me without giving it much thought. Peter sat on his bed crossed-leg, his hair ruffled, his eyes sad.

    "Look, what Rocket said earlier.. It's not true" I blurted out.

    Peter nodded with a frown and signaled me to sit next to him, which I calmly did. - "It's just.. I'm not really good with people I just met"

    I grabbed the note from my pocket and handed it to him, who unsurely picked it up and looked at it. — "It's the tracklist of my playlist"

    Unexpectedly, Peter's lips curved up into a small smile. — "I had forgotten about most of these"

    "Yeah?" I smiled at the thought, the weight on my stomach slowly fading away.

    "I remember jamming to this one as a little boy with my panties on" he snorted, pointing at one of the tracks' name.

    "You did not wear panties" I widened my eyes, trying not to laugh.

    "I did and I loved every bit of it" he joked with a funny face. I snorted real loud and inevitably burst out laughing.

    "I would love to see that" I blurted out.

    "You would love to.. see me in my panties?" a smug smirk appeared on his face as he clearly tried not to laugh.

    "That's not what I- not now!" I covered my face in embarrassment. Peter let out a throaty laugh instead.

    "What about later?" he teased in a deep low voice, I dropped my hands off my face and involuntary widened my eyes. — "Now I get it. That's why Rocket let you in"

    "He should stop trusting everyone, by the way. He let me fly this thing a few hours after we met" I cleared my throat as I switched the topic.

    "What?" he quirked an eyebrow, a crooked smile on his face as he spoke. — "He let you fly?! He must really like you, huh"

    A soft knock on the door finally distracted me from Peter. — "Hey, turds. You doing something pg-13 in there or I can come in?"

    I almost choked on air, Peter just laughed. — "I don't know, why don't you come and check for yourself?"

    Rocket stayed silent for a second. — "So you are?"

    "Ha! Told you they would've copulated the exact moment they met!" Drax hysterically laughed from outside Quill's room. — "They are the same person but two!"

    "So like two people?" Rocket deadpanned.

    "Yes. But one." Drax insisted confidently.

    "Quill, I need to speak to you about.. something" Rocket continued.

    I eyed Peter for a brief second before I got up and walked by the door. As Rocket stepped in, I stepped out. Drax threw me a very creepy smile, his eyes wide open.

    "How was it?" he deadass asked. — "Is he as capable as he claims to be?"

    I parted my lips in shock and violently blushed. — "Ohmygod?"

    "Ha! He is not!"


    The cockpit was awfully empty. Everyone was chilling in their own rooms, which left me alone on the pilot seat. The countdown on the big screen said six minutes. Six minutes until we had to stop and land on one of Jupiter's moons, Metis. Apparently, there was an emergency and my new friends, being the Guardians of the Galaxy, had to reach out and eventually save the day.

    "Rocket!" I called out.

    "What" his raspy voice was soon close. "We weren't talking about you"

    I eyed him suspiciously. Why did he have to point that out? Who was talking about me?

    "Six minutes" I distractedly informed.

    "Got ya" he hopped on the co-pilot seat and took the lead.

    As the speed increased, I felt the need to buckle up my seatbelt and asked Groot to do the same. I still wasn't quite used to enlightening speed just yet. I squeezed my eyes shut and just waited for it to be over soon.

    When I peeked, a pair of green eyes bored into mine as Quill eyed me curiously.

    "Oh, sorry, this is your seat" I frantically said.

    "It's okay" he snorted softly. "At least it's not Rocket's hairy ass"

    "You wish it was my ass, dirt-bag!" Rocket spat back.

     "Mae, are you okay still?" Mantis quietly asked from behind all the seats. She stood there with a small yet preoccupied smile, I knew what was next. Drama. More drama.

    "Why wouldn't she be? It's not that big of a push" Rocket asked, still not looking away from the control panel.

    "Well, she's from Terra and-"

    Peter's eyes widened real quick as he flickered his glance from his friend to me. — "You're from Earth?!"

    "Yeah. Thanks for the info, Mantis" I sighed. "So necessary"

    "That we been known" Rocket shrugged. Yes, they did. They all did, except Peter. And I kinda didn't want him to.

    "And you all knew?!" Peter continued. I couldn't tell if he was either angry or excited.

    "Yes. That is what Rocket just said. Pay attention, Quill." Drax sighed.

    "Why the eye roll?" Rocket asked me. Why wasn't he paying attention to the damn driving thing?

    "Pathetic. Eyes don't roll" Drax continued.

    After a minute of complete silence at Drax's limitless thinking, I glanced up and noticed Peter's eyes on me. — "You're from Earth" he repeated.

    "Yeah" I let out a sigh.

    "You don't look happy about it" he quirked an eyebrow.

    "Oh, no, she didn't want you to know" Mantis blurted out. Stop exposing me, maybe? I threw her a warning shot, my eyes wide.

    "The eye thing again!" Drax pointed out.

    Peter glanced down at me with a questioning look. — "Why not?"

    "Because she didn't want you to be interested in her only because of that one thing" Mantis continued. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in and just gave in. There was no point in fighting with those dorks.

    "That's not- what I said. I never said that" I lied, faking a gasp. — "Mantis, can we talk for a second?"

    "Ha! Exposed!" Drax mocked me a little bit more enthusiastically than accepted.

    Finally, Rocket called out. It was time. — "Two minutes"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now