twenty-one ↪ arcade defenders 2.0

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    Benatar was cozier than I expected it to be. It was way smaller than the Milano, only two seats in the cockpit, one additional bedroom only. And, let me tell you, it incredibly smelled like Quill. I smiled for a second before I remembered the mission. Right, I needed to stay focused and be extra careful. I hopped on the pilot seat and turned on the communication device around my ear. — "Rocket, do you copy?"

    "Loud and clear, kiddo" Rocket's voice echoed.

    "So how do we do this? We wait for them or..?"

    I could hear him arguing with Groot about something I couldn't quite get. — "Fine! We wait for them, up to seven yards from the ground"

    "Seven.. yards?"

    Rocket sighed. — "Twenty-one feet"

    I turned on every control switch and pressed the red button so the engine roared under my feet. — "Right, okay, on it"

    "Mae" Rocket calmly called out. — "Be careful out there please"

    "Sure thing, bud, you too"


    I slowly pushed the lever forward, making the spaceship lift up. On the digital map Rocket gave me were pinned the most secure areas to fly on, so I chose one and went for it. One of the buttons on the control keyboard caught my attention. Push when needed. Did I need whatever that was? Was it a bomb? A missile? A weapon? There was no way I could've even guessed what it was but I had the feeling I did need to push that button.

    "I hope this doesn't make the spaceship destroy itself" I muttered to myself before I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed said button.

    To my surprise, a cassette player appeared from the control panel. Of course it was that. Damn, Peter. I snorted like an idiot and played the unknown casette. What I surely wasn't expecting was that it turned out to be the playlist I had made for him. He had my playlist blasting through his secret ship. Where and when did he even get it in the first place?

    "Spaceships coming, thirty degrees north" Steve's voice echoed through my ear device.

    "Copy that" I sighed heavily and lift the ship up to seven yards. I could see the Milano floating a couple of feet away on my right so I lined up with them still keeping the distance. Ah, how I wanted it all to be over soon!

    "Mae" Steve continued. — "Quill's safe and sound. You've got this."

    The heaviest sigh of relief left my lips. At least he was safe. Not that I could've said the same thing about me, Rocket, and Groot just yet. It was going to be a long way there.

    "God of thunder is here" Thor's voice also echoed through my radio.

    I shook every bad thought away and focused on the enlarged number of spaceships flying down from the night sky. After I clicked play on the cassette player, I tightened the grip on the attack supplies lever and aimed up. Music blasted through the whole ship as I got ready to shoot. It's okay. It's okay? Please let it be okay.

    Rocket was the one to open the fire, followed by Thor's and Steve's respective weapons flying up to the attackers' direction. I pressed the fire command and helped them right away. It was going well so far, the outlook didn't look too bad. Our missiles and bombs were creating a firework show, destroying every ship on their way.

    "Does anybody copy?" a soft restless voice echoed through my radio, distracting me completely.

    "Ah, dipshit, you good?" Rocket answered.

    Before I could come back to my senses, a single fire bullet hit the cockpit glass and made the whole ship spin on itself at a very unhealthy speed.

    "You stole Benatar?! That's it, I'm killing you" Quill's voice was now a bit louder. — "I hope you heard that bullet, so next time you'll think twice before-"

    "Wait, what bullet?!" Rocket hurried.

    I could hear Peter sighing on the other part of the line. — "Jesus, Rocket"

    "That's Mae, shit-head!"

    "That's- what?!"


    Music was still blasting through the speakers when I woke up. My head was sore and I was sure I had started bleeding at some point. Ouch. When I looked up, the situation didn't look as bad. The Milano and Thor were now flying higher, shooting and bombing the rest of the attackers' troopers. I pressed the back of my head against the seat and breathed out. I suddenly felt super tired and really wanted to sleep, just a little bit. Just when I let my eyes close, a familiar figure hurried by my side.

    "Stay awake, look at me" Quill frantically spoke in shock. — "Don't you go, please, look at me"

    I struggled to do as asked but smiled a little. — "You're okay"

    When he didn't say a word back, I tried my best to open my eyes. There he was, looking for something in a very chaotic way. His pretty face was covered in dry blood, sweat, and dirt, but he still looked pretty damn good anyway. How?

    "What happened to your pretty face?" I blurted out, exhaustion getting the best of me.

    Peter eyed me for a brief second with such softness and, when his green eyes bored into mine, I could swear I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. He didn't speak though and his eyes wandered around again. — "I'm getting you out of here, please hold on for me a little bit more, okay?"

    I nodded even though he wasn't looking. — "I'm sorry about.. stealing Benatar without your permission. How does it look? Bad?"

    "That's not my priority now" Peter didn't even flinch at my words, he looked so distracted yet so worried.

    "And what is it your priority now?"

    He looked pretty concerned about the situation, and I bet he was. We all were. He didn't give much thought to my question. He raised his head up and gazed directly into my eyes. — "You"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now