eight ↪ jupiter

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    "So what's the deal?" I asked Rocket when he grabbed one of his weapons, ready to go on the mission.

    "Some douchebag got arrested for stealing six power stones" he scoffed annoyed. — "We are the Guardians of my ass so we get paid for saving that dirt-bag"

    "Okay so what's your plan?"

    "Find the douche, get the stones, go back to the ship" he shrugged. Here we go again.

    Quill took steps in our direction and picked up his shooters. He then glanced over at me and squeezed his eyes a little, thing he did every time he was thoughtful or focused. — "You coming?"

    "Uh, I can?"

    "Positive" Peter smiled a small charming smile. — "I kinda want to see you in action"

    Rocket groaned. — "If you try risking your life one more time I will smash you with my own hands"

    "That doesn't make any sense" Quill pointed out with a funny expression mixed with confusion.

    "Shut up, idiot" Rocket spat.

    The Milano stopped right above one of Jupiter's moon, Menis. The ground gave me the Martian's Mars vibes, the sky dark, a mix of purple and black. Rocket and Quill jumped off the spaceship, Drax and I waited for it to stop and dock so we could sneak in the gigantic facility through a backdoor or something.

    The place was mostly made of colored gemstones, rubies. Some of the walls were covered in rocks, the doors mainly made of steel. What place was even that? Drax and I exchanged a quick look before taking the first steps towards the eastern entrance.

    "So, naked Quill. Disappointing?"

    I almost choked on air at Drax's words. — "What?"

    "Did you two not have sexual intercour-"

    "What?! No, we didn't?!"

    Drax's creepy smiled disappeared. — "That explains your unpleasant grumpiness"

    "I'm not grumpy!" I widened my eyes. — "Stop thinking about naked Quill!"

    "Ha, why? You are thinking about it! Haha!"

    "I wasn't thinking about it before you were thinking about it!" I argued.

    "Are you pricks done?" Rocket's voice echoed from our speaker radio. I abruptly stopped on my tracks, my heart pounding against my chest. Had Peter heard it too?! — "The mission's easy, don't mess it up. I need Drax for the breaking in part, the remaining turds can team up and steal the stones"

    I quickly recomposed myself. — "Did you just say steal the stones?"

    "That's exactly what I just said, tone-deaf" Rocket remarked.

    "That's literally not what it means" — Now it was Quill's voice echoing through our radio. "Mae, wait up for me"

    Drax poked me with a very odd smirk. I rolled my eyes and moved forward to the meeting point, my brain playing tricks on me. I never gave much thought to how good Peter would've looked in person. He surpassed every expectation with just a smile, I wondered how he was when he wasn't so full of himself. Was I acting too weird in his presence? Not my fault the guy looks like that!

    "Blue man, you're coming with me" Rocket's voice snapped me back to reality.

    My head followed the sound's direction and stopped on both the raccoon and Peter. Drax poked me one more time, so hard I winced. — "Dude! Cut the crap"

    He gaped his mouth open. — "That is disgusting"

    I sighed. — "It's not what-"

    "We don't have the whole day" Rocket groaned. Drax threw me one last glance before walking away with him.

    For a brief moment, I forgot Peter was there and waiting for me. My thoughts were overwhelming and I felt like my brain was about to explode anytime soon.

    "So, earth, huh?" Quill's deep voice asked.

    I glanced up at him curiously, he didn't look one bit nervous about the mission. — "The planet is great, the people not really" I distractedly blurted out, moving my attention to the facility's backdoor.

    "The music is pretty awesome" Peter pointed out.

    "Oh, yeah, it is" I faintly smiled. — "Not like it was in the 80s but, you know"

    A piercing high-pitched sound echoed loudly from the steel door. Before I could even process what was going on, Peter reacted real quick by pushing me against a wall. He pressed his body against mine and closed the distance in protection. I gasped and took in a sharp breath as his chest bumped into my face. Quill fixed his gaze upon me but I tried hard not to glance back, failing miserably.

    The bomb. The bomb exploded a few inches before us, fortunately on the inside of the door. A bunch of armed men sprinted out from the facility and started shooting around. I should've been scared, but the only thing I could think of was how dangerously close Peter's body was. My heartbeat hit like a sledgehammer and I prayed he wouldn't notice. What the hell was wrong with me?!

    "Now" Peter's breath tickled my skin. When he pulled away, it's like I'd been deprived of the warmth I needed in order to survive.

    I unhappily moved from the spot and followed him closely into the facility. The corridors were wide, so we had to crawl with our backs against the walls all the way to the point where the stolen stones supposedly were. Behind the security desk were two guards: a young girl, and a young boy.

    "Too easy" Quill whispered over my shoulders.

    "What's your plan?"

    "You stay here, I'll distract the girl" he nonchalantly said. Distract, right.

    Before I could even agree, Peter smoothly walked towards the desk and started flirting with the girl. My stomach growled at the sight. Don't look, don't look, don't look. When I turned my head in another direction, I faced a close gunshot aimed at me. The guard pushed it against the side of my head and smirked.

    "Well, well, well" the man blew air on my face. — "Who would you be?"

    I gulped and looked up at him fearfully. Quill eventually noticed and aimed one of his shooters back at him, and one to the girl. — "Let her go or your friend here dies"

    "Killing her is the last thing you'd want to do to her" the guard's smirk grew.

    "Maybe" Peter shrugged nonchalantly. — "Just not right now. I won't repeat myself: let her go"

    "You see, I simply don't want to" the man humorlessly laughed. — "I will most likely kill her anyway"

    Quill rolled his eyes dramatically. — "Okay, pal, you had your chance"

    With that, his shooters simultaneously shot both the guards in one quick swoosh. I took a little jump back and widened my eyes. Another quick movement and Peter sprang towards me, pulled me by my arm, and led me to the secret door. Ruby-red.

    "Quill, basement. A bunch of girls you can hit on." Rocket informed through our speaker radio with a fake laugh.

    "Not today, pal" Peter distractedly answered, his eyes glued on the door in front of us. — "Kinda busy"

    "Peter" I quietly called out. His green eyes curiously bored into mine, so I pointed at a line of red buttons.

    "Good catch" he cutely snorted. — "Great job, newbie"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now