seventeen ↪ star-boy

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    "Kid, you hear me?" Tony's voice glitched through the speakers of the alien radio before he huffed annoyed. — "Alien technology is pathetic"

    "Mr. Stark" I snorted. — "Everyone can hear you"

    "Good, knowledge is key. At least now they know their equipment can suck-" Tony was interrupted by a squeal. Peter Parker, frantically asking a thousand of questions in one single short breath. — "Mae! Hey, ohmygod, how are you? Did you save the guy? How was it? Did you fight? Uh, I mean, you obviously didn't fight eheh, so tell me about it"

    I chuckled. — "Spider-boy, breathe"

    "Sorry, sorry" he laughed. — "So, what's up?"

    Before I even had the time to answer, Drax did for me. — "The sky"

    "Oh boy" I heard Tony scoff. — "If you've been taken against your will and wish to be rescued give us a sign"

    Quill abruptly stood up from his seat and stepped towards me and the radio. I couldn't decipher the look in his eyes, it was a new one to me. He angrily grabbed the speaker from my hands and moved it close to his lips. — "She doesn't need to be rescued. She's safe and under our protection. You can move on with your life, dipshit"

    Rocket gaped his mouth open in shock and quirked an eyebrow. Drax, on the other hand, had a big creepy grin plastered on his face.

    "Is that who I think it is?" Tony asked after a few seconds of hesitation. — "The jerk you were willing to risk your life for?"

    I could see Peter's hands angrily turning into fists so I calmly held the speaker to my face and spoke before he could. — "This is Peter Quill. He and his friends are keeping me safe, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with them. These people feel like home"

    The room fell incredibly silent. Did I go too far? I felt blood pumping all the way to my cheeks, why wasn't no one speaking yet?? The only sound that came next was from the other part of the radio. — "Got it, Juliet. Stay with your Romeo as long as you can. I'll see you on Xandar, be there"

    I froze. Is that what they got from what I said?! That I liked Quill?! Panic washed over me like a bucket of iced water. It was until I felt a warm presence on my back. I slowly glanced up at my right, where Peter stood silent and thoughtful. Before I could process his next move, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug against his chest. I was taken aback and only realized it a few moments later, so I wrapped my arms around his back and gave in the hug.


    I avoided everyone for the next couple of hours. I didn't really have a reason for it, I just felt like it. I took a walk in the woods and ended up at the spot I discovered with Quill, the Lake. I smiled like an idiot when I mentally re-lived the memories of that afternoon. I took off my shirt and shoes and jumped in the water, so I dived around.

    "I knew I'd find you here" Peter leaned against a tree, his lips curving up into a small smile.

    "Creep" I mocked him. He let out a throaty laugh and walked closer.

    "What's with you and water?" he playfully asked before going teasing mode. — "You need help with floating?"

    "Maybe" I dared.

    "Huh" he raised his eyebrow in surprise, a smug creeping on his pretty face. — "Okay then"

    Quill shoved his shirt over his head and threw it on the grass, his gaze never leaving mine, challenging me to watch. Which I helplessly did, of course. He took off his shoes and, in one quick movement, jumped into the water. He re-emerged, swam in my direction, and enfolded me in his arms right away. Like he had the right to do it at his liking.

    "What are you doing?" I asked in a low tone when he pulled me impossibly closer.

    "Take a wild guess" he answered, his voice also low and deep, manly. Ouch, bye. Quill leaned in until our foreheads touched. I stayed froze, not sure what to do.

    I felt myself slipping away from his grip, so I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself steady. Peter smiled down at me, his arms tight around my lower back. He leaned in a little more, the tension getting so high I cupped my left hand around his right cheek without even thinking. I circled my fingers around his ear and the back of his hair while I caressed his soft razor-trimmed beard with my thumb. Quill pressed his face against my touch and closed his eyes very slowly, living the moment at its fullest. It made me think. Had he ever been touched like that?

    Before I could even process his next move, he pressed his lips on my own. I took in a sharp breath but helplessly let him. I tightened the grip on his cheek and pulled him against my lips hungrily. Peter gave in right away and parted his lips open, deepening the kiss. I felt like legit dying under his touch.

    "Mh" Quill hummed into the kiss before slowly pulling away. — "See? You're floating perfectly fine"

    My cheeks flustered red as I slightly laughed. — "Shut up, star boy"

    "I like the way you so softly scratch my skin" he blurted out. I gazed up at him curiously. — "I don't think I've been scratched before. At least not.. you know, like that"

    I shyly looked down and pulled away a little bit, causing his grip to untighten. He smiled. — "I'm just gonna straight say it.. you're something else"

    A cold shiver traveled all the way to my neck, but I couldn't tell if it was because of Peter or because my upper body had dried off. Quill noticed right away. — "Let's go back?"

    I nodded and swam towards the shore, Peter following closely. I trembled at the contact with the wind, but he soon wrapped his arms around me and let the heat of his body spread. And, let me tell you, it worked just great. We got dressed and walked back to our dorm. Well, actually, his dorm. Quill let me shower in his restroom so Rocket wouldn't have to scold us.

    "Uh, Peter" I shyly called out. — "I, uh, don't have clean clothes here. Can you please go to my room and get a shirt and some shorts?"

    "You can take one of my shirts, it's no problem" Quill informed from outside the door.

    "Oh.. yeah?"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now