fourteen ↪ stuck with you

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    "Mae, a very strange thing just happened to me" Mantis informed the exact moment I stepped out of the shower.

    I glanced at her while I brushed my hair, waiting for her to tell me more about it. Which she didn't until I asked her. — "What?"

    "I bumped into a big man and he asked me why we sticked with two rooms only"

    "Mh-mh" I distractedly hummed as I closed the bathroom door behind me and got dressed.

    "The man was the one Rocket told us about" Mantis continued. — "He wants to meet with us in a short time"

    "That Payzer dude?" I was finally freshened up and ready, but decided not to blow-dry my hair.

    Mantis nodded unsurely, something was clearly bugging her. Before I could ask more about her feelings, the door swung open. Both of us were taken aback by such privacy violation but, when we noticed it was Quill, we brushed it off. Good thing he didn't walk in on us earlier.

    "Sorry, uh, Payzer wants to see us" Peter awkwardly informed, probably only now noticing how wrong what he had just done was. It was cute how his cheeks turned rosy at the sudden realization, he looked genuinely concerned.

    Mantis held my arm as for dragging me out of the room, but stopped on her tracks instead. She tilt her head to the side and her antennas lit up. She was feeling what I was feeling, and I wasn't sure I wanted her to. Quill flickered his eyes from me to her curiously, waiting for a reaction maybe. When I felt the feeling get too intense, I snapped my arm out of her grip and nonchalantly walked away.


    The biggest room of the place obviously belonged to Payzer dude. Mantis' words made more sense now that he was standing in front of us. Big man indeed. The dude was tall and muscular, short black hair flying around to the wind, big brown eyes. He politely welcomed us and asked us to have a seat on the gigantic couch on his balcony.

    "How's Rocket? Long time no see" Payzer's voice was deep and harsh, definitely manly. Not Quill-manly but still. — "Why did you guys ask for two dorms only? We have as many as you want, everything for Rocket's friends"

    Mantis and I snapped our heads in Quill's direction simultaneously. His pretty face was unreadable, a neutral expression wouldn't let us see his true emotions.

    "We're a pretty close group" I made up. — "We like hanging out and stuff"

    "That's great to hear!" Payzer enthusiastically agreed. — "You can stay as long as it's needed"

    "Thank you, we appreciate it" I smiled sincerely. Mantis showed a smile herself, nodding her head in a very awkward way. Cute.

    Payzer quirked an eyebrow when his gaze stopped on Quill. — "Star-lord. The last time you were here you were a lot louder"

    "I wasn't being chased by annoying Mogravians back then" Peter flatly stated, almost annoyed. What was up with him now?

    "It's not the first time and it won't be the last, you should know it by now" Payzer continued. — "People from Terra is rare to find, they sell incredibly. That's why I offer shelter to the people who needs it"

    Without adding anything more, the big man offered a guided tour of his place but, when Peter strangely declined, I had to too. I couldn't just leave him there, could I? Yes, I could, but I honestly didn't want to. After Mantis and Payzer left, I eyed Quill and breathed out.

    "Are you okay?" I unsurely asked. I knew how he didn't exactly like talking about his feelings, but at least I had to try, right?

    "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't have the right to do that. Don't get this the bad way, my intentions were good" he unexpectedly blurted out in one short breath.

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now