eighteen ↪ what moon?

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    I ended up on Quill's bed. His loose shirt on, dump hair, his walkman in my hands. I wore his headphones and sat crossed-leg, playing awesome mix vol 2. The shower was on, but I couldn't hear it, that's why I slightly jumped when I glanced up and met a pair of green eyes. Peter was all dressed up, showing up his messy wet hair as he leaned against the door. His arm were folded over his chest, a small grin on his lips as he gazed.

    I glanced back and slid the headphones off my head. — "What"

    "It's just-" he stopped mid-sentence and licked his bottom lip. — "Nothing"

    I played with the walkman in my hands and thought about it. — "How do you, you know, skip tracks on this thing?"

    "You don't know?"

    "They stopped selling these things when I was like six. How old do you think I am?" I quirked an eyebrow. Peter took steps in my direction, unsurely climbed on the bed and sat in front of me crossed-leg.

    "Pretty young" he awkwardly cleared his throat, clearly dazed. — "How young?"

    I slightly chuckled. — "I'm not that much younger, dumbass"

    In a slow movement, Quill's hands were on mine. He carefully grabbed his walkman and sweetly teached me how to skip tracks and replay the previous ones at my liking. His tone was calm and as sweet as I had never heard him be. I gazed at him in awe, not even paying that much attention to what he was saying, which was so out of character of me.

    "Okay, now you show me" Peter impatiently glanced over me, handing me his most important possession.

    "Oh, so.." I held the walkman tight in my hands. — "I have to stop first. Then, uh, fast forward, which is this button up here"

    Peter softly smiled. — "Very good"

    "Then I kinda stop and listen so I can hear on which track I'm on" I continued.

    "..and you're a smart-head" he let out a throaty laugh.

    I smiled up at him and did as just learnt. The Rubberband Man started blasting through his headphones hung around my neck. I grabbed and outstretched those to him and made him wear it. — "I kinda didn't like this one at first but now it's one of my favorites"

    "Yeah? You like this one?" Quill proudly asked, but his lighthearted expression of joy soon turned serious for some reason.

    I eyed him curiously, genuinely worried I messed up. But what exactly did I mess up? His eyes reflected that look again, that look he had everytime he leaned closer. And that's what he did. He leaned in and gently pressed his lips on my cheek without even giving me the time to process. Huh.

    Quill pulled away a few moments later and lied down, facing the ceiling. I stayed there confused for a little while before doing the same thing, lying down next to him. — "Why did you leave Earth?"

    There he was again. Night time had this power to bring his emotional side out in the open. It was cute in a way, knowing that he also had a soft side that needed as much reassurance as I did. I rolled over to face him and thought about it. Why did I leave Earth?

    "I woke up in that dude's tower, Tony Stark, with no explanation and memory whatsoever" I quietly spoke, my voice low to fit the so intimate atmosphere. — "The only thing I reacted to was the new that you were missing. I don't even know why, I just did. It was.. a feeling, I suppose"

    Peter's eyes sparkled under the beam light of the moon. He was there, listening to every word I spoke, his body now facing me. — "So you.. can't remember why you left?"

    "I remember feeling lost. Spending most of my life looking for a place to call home. Somewhere I could finally be myself and be loved for it, where people like me would actually get me and, eventually, I don't know, find love"

    "That's kinda cute" Peter's lips curved up into a small lighthearted smile. — "Are those feelings still there?"

    I took a moment to think about it. Oh, geez. — "Not really, no. At least not right now, not when I'm with you" I shyly confessed.

    "And why is that?" Quill's gaze was stuck on me as his eyes bored into mine. His tone low, as for not ruining the quiet soft atmosphere we created.

    The door suddenly swung open. Rocket had an annoyed expression haunting his face, his tiny arms folded over his chest. — "Well well well, look what we got here"

    "Jesus, Rocket!" Peter scolded, his chest frantically going up and down as his breaths went out fast. — "Ever heard of knocking?!"

    Rocket huffed. — "Ever heard of stop haunting every breathing female creature?"

    I quirked an eyebrow. — "Rocket, that's not-"

    "You hush, we talked about this! He's not even that good looking, what is wrong with your eyes?!" Rocket snapped.

    "You talked about me?" Quill asked confused.

    "Ah, stop it there, shit-head. Like you don't know what's going on here" Rocket continued annoyed.

    "What is exactly that is going on here?" Peter sighed.

    "Yeah, 'cause the sight of Mae in your shirt, hair dump, walkman in hands, definitely doesn't have any effect on you. Right?"

    Quill fell incredibly silent for a full minute before dismissing whatever thought he was haunted by. — "We're two grown people who are talking about their feelings, though you clearly can't relate. Just so you know: feelings are those emotions we living creatures feel"

    Rocket angrily kicked one of the shirts lying on the floor. — "I know what feelings are!"

    "Rocket" I calmly spoke. — "It's okay. We were talking about how I can't remember much about my past but my feeling lost"

    "Huh? Lost?" Rocket curiously asked, calming down completely in less than a second. He stomped all the way to the bed and climbed up, sitting right next to me. — "Your memories are back?"

    "Excuse me?!" Peter groaned. — "We were having a conversation here, go hibernating or something"

    "First, that is highly offensive, you piece of shit"

    I groaned so loud they both stopped to stare at me. — "Stop acting like kids, geez. You guys are friends and it's okay to argue sometimes but, boy, you two are something else!"

    "Sorry" Peter quickly apologized.

    Rocket clenched his jaw so hard I feared for his health. His eyebrows were knitted together in confusion, his mouth dramatically opened. — "You said the s word?"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now