three ↪ guardians of the galaxy

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    Soenus: planet 21C86D. Quill was somewhere out there, and we still had forty-eight hours of flight left. Two days.  The only spare room on the spaceship at the moment was Peter's bedroom but, when nighttime inevitably arrived, I didn't feel like sleeping in his bed. Also, the view from the cockpit was way better than any other.

    I rolled over the pilot seat, trying to make myself comfortable. It certainly wasn't the smartest idea, sleeping that way, but there was this something in the air that made me feel in some kind of way. I wasn't sure of what it was, a feeling maybe, a scent, vibes.

    Surprisingly, and for the first time in forever, I managed to sleep through the night. When I opened my eyes, a couple of hours later, I stared at the cockpit's wide window. The Milky Way was surrounded by purple-ish and blue-ish trails, making the sky look like those pictures from google. What was time and space at that point? The Milano lacked any kind of clock, which made total sense. The sun? It wouldn't go up, not where we were, which meant we could probably go days without any light in the sky. There was no other star like the sun somewhere in the Galaxy.

    "You slept on that?" Rocket's hoarse voice asked as he hopped on the co-pilot seat and yawned. I sat upright and nodded. "What's wrong with Quill's bed?"

    "Nothing" I shrugged. "The view here is pretty cool"

    Rocket quirked an eyebrow. "What"

    "The, uh, that" I pointed at the glass window.

    "That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen" he stared at me like I was crazy.

    "It's always so good talking to you" I joked as I got up. Direction: kitchen..? They had to have food, right?

    In the main aisle, around the long desk was Drax. A bag of chips in his hands. Oh boy. His head shifted up when I placed both my elbows on the surface. "Do you guys have actual food?"

    "This is actual food" he looked genuinely confused. Right.

    "No, yeah, I mean like-"

    "We have waffles" Mantis informed with a glimpse of smile.

    "Thank goodness" I let out a sigh of relief.

    "What goodness are you thanking?" Drax flatly asked as he tilt his head to the side.

    "No, it's a- you know what? Forget it."


    Surprisingly, I slowly managed to bond with all of them. Drax and I had in common bad jokes; Groot loved the same videogames I loved; Mantis was the only girl I could talk to; and Rocket, electronics and technology stuff. The more time I spent with them, the more I had started to feel like myself.

    "So you're making a what?" I asked Rocket, who was incredibly focused building some kind of new weapon.

    "Shockers" he blurted out, his eyes glued on the tools in his tiny hands.

    "Nice. Can we try those?"

    He snapped his head up and mischievously smirked at me. "Yea"

    I snorted at his funny face. "On who?"

    "Drax" he shrugged without even giving it a second thought.

    "Isn't it dangerous?" I asked. "Can I do it?"

    Rocket laughed in a very funny way, his head laid back, his hands clapping together. "Last one down is a prick!" he then yelled as he sprinted towards his friend's room.

    "That's not nice!" I followed him closely, trying to keep at his pace. After all, he was a raccoon (don't ever tell him that), so he was naturally faster than me in any way.

    Unexpectedly, when the shocker landed on Drax and the shock factor got activated, he didn't even flinch. Rocket groaned in frustration and stomped back to his improvised lab.

    "How do I find your God's funny moving pictures?" Drax asked me.

    "First, it's called a movie. Second, who?"

    "Your God" he insisted. "The green being"

    I snorted. "You mean Shrek?"

    "Yes. That one."

    I laughed again. "Uh, my phone is somewhere in Groot's room"

    "I am Groot!" Groot's voice echoed in the narrow hallway.

    "Yeah, he has it"


    Guardians of the Galaxy. I still couldn't believe I was awake. Out of all the billions of places of the galaxy, the Milano was my favorite. Those four people had grown so much on me in just twenty-four hours. My mind wandered on how it would've been meeting Peter for the first time. I had a thousands of scenarios playing in my head, daydream after daydream that would keep me up at night.

    Same seat, the night after, I gazed up at the stars with a smile plastered on my face. My heartbeat fastened at the only thought of being able to even see Quill from far away. I wondered what he would've thought of me, or said to me.

    "Mae" a female voice quietly called.

    I glanced up at her, my body twisted in a very unhealthy way by looking for the best and most comfortable position. "Mantis, hey. Can't sleep?"

    "I'm a little scared" she nervously answered as she sat on the seat in front of me and played with her hands. "Soenus is a dangerous planet. The moment I will get out of the ship-"

    "You don't have to leave the ship" I calmly informed. "I will"

    "But you promised-"

    "I lied" I sighed. "I'll go looking for Quill and you stay here with Groot, it's okay"

    "Thank you" Mantis' lips curved up in a small smile. "I'm sure Quill will be happy to see you"

     I breathed out. "He doesn't exactly know who I am"

    "But-" she tilted her head to the side. "Oh. Why are you risking your life?"

    I awkwardly shrugged when my cheeks warmed up. "Reasons"

    I definitely couldn't tell her, any of them, how I knew their world. I still wasn't sure about how it was even possible for me to be there. Oh, hey, I've watched all your movies and Peter is my favorite character. Definitely not telling them. The situation was confusing enough.

    "You're nice, I like you" Mantis softly spoke up when I almost forgot she was even there.

    "That's sweet" I smiled like an idiot. "I like you too. All of you"

    "Even Drax?" she widened her already big eyes.

    I laughed. "Yeah, even Drax"

    The big screen connected to the cockpit abruptly started making loud noises. A bunch of beep-s and boop-s. Mantis gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. — "That is it. Soenus."

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