eleven ↪ blame it on the night

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    I felt Peter rolling over the side of his bed I was lying on, his whole body facing me as he quietly started an unexpected conversation. — "What's your favorite track of awesome mix?"

    I stayed froze. What was I supposed to do? Roll over and face him? Face the ceiling? Before I could go in full anxiety mode, he rolled on his back and gazed up. Better. — "There's a couple I like"

    "Yeah?" Quill distractedly smiled. — "My mom made it for me"

    I flinched at such sudden decision of him opening up to me. Of course I knew the whole story, but I was going to keep it to myself and let him go wherever he wanted to. I involuntary rolled over and faced his lying body without even thinking, the intimacy of the moment growing at unhealthy pace.

    "That's cute" I genuinely said. — "That's why you listen to it everyday?"

    "Overall, yes" Quill rolled by my side and, before I could process everything, we were facing each other. — "I'm not mad you made your own playlist, I kinda like it"

    "I never meant to make you feel bad" I confessed, my voice low as I felt the intimacy skyrocketing. What were we doing? Talking. You're just talking.

    Quill's gaze softened when his green eyes bored into mine, his voice even lower than mine. — "Hey, I know. I never thought you did"

    "Good, 'cause I wouldn't" I calmly remarked.

    "Good" he repeated, a smile making its way on his pretty lips.

    I finally dismissed my gaze. Things were getting overwhelming, a little too much for my liking. There was this thing though, this gut feeling that screamed to loosen up and let myself go to the moment. And, thinking about it, it was a rare moment. Peter never expressed his feelings ever, not as calmly as he was doing.

    I tried so hard not to let the next four words slip out of my mouth, but wasn't I just so weak when it came to him? — "Where's the pink girl?"

    Quill's lips curved up into a smug as he eyed me curiously. — "Why? You're jealous?" he teased.

    I parted my lips in shock. Code red, code red! — "Mh, what?" I struggled very hard to keep a straight face.

    "I'm kidding" he let out a throaty laugh. — "Drax constantly tells me how I'm not that good looking, I'm trying to accept that"

    Oh but you are, idiot. — "Drax says a lot of things"

    Peter glanced at me with the usual amused cute expression. — "You're saying that I actually am good looking?"

    My cheeks inevitably flustered red. — "I'm saying Drax isn't exactly reliable"

    "Yo, dipshit, have you seen-" Rocket abruptly stopped on his tracks when he snapped the door open and noticed how Peter and I were lying on the same bed. — "-Mae"


    "Are you shit-head insane?!" Rocket scolded me all the way to his room.

    "What was I supposed to do?? Run away? I don't even remember how I got there in the first place!" I argued.

    "You don't even what?!" he gasped and dramatically groaned. — "We talked about this!"

    "Look, I'm sorry, but we were just talking"

    Rocked faked a laugh. — "Haha, really? What about?"

    I let out a sigh. — "His mom"

    The raccoon froze and stopped on his tracks abruptly, almost making me trip on him. His head moved up slowly and his gaze met mine. — "He talked about- his mom?"

    "I mean, just a tiny bit. He just told me the awesome mix story" I studied his blank expression, trying to understand why such drastic change in his actions.

    Rocket looked like he had just seen a ghost, he was shook. — "He- he told you about his mom" he repeated.

    "That's what I just said, are you okay?"

    "I need to see Drax. You go to my room and sleep, I'll see ya tomorrow" and with that he deadass left me with no explanation whatsoever. Right, okay.

    I stepped into Rocket's room confused, not sure about what had just happened. I sat on his bed and stared blankly at the wall. Something was going on inside of me, but I couldn't quite get what it was. Clearly I had a crush on Quill, and that's why the feeling amplified whenever he was near, but there was something else. Memories fragments maybe?

    I groaned as the uncomfortable feeling was eating me up, so I stood on my feet and left the room. Direction: same old cockpit. When I got there, though, the pilot seat was already taken. — "Quill?"

    "Can't sleep?" his muffled voice asked when I eventually stepped closer and hopped on the co-pilot seat.

    "Not really, no"

    After a few moments of hesitation, Peter unexpectedly asked something I never thought I'd hear him ask. — "Do you ever.. miss Earth?"

    I eyed him and softly smiled. He probably hadn't come back ever since he was abducted by Yondu. — "Only a few things"

    "Yeah? Would you list them for me please?" — the softness in his voice melted my heart. He was clearly sensitive about the subject, but he somehow wanted to talk about it.

    "Let's see. I miss the sun on my skin, the smell of wet grass and fire. The sound of heavy rain while I'm indoors, diving, camping, getting lost while gazing up at the moon" I dreamily listed some of the things I loved the most, maybe getting way too into it.

    "You make everything sound so good" Peter calmly remarked. — "I was only eight when I got taken by a Ravager, Yondu"

    I involuntary bit my lip as I carefully listened to every word. — "And you hadn't come back ever since?"

    "Earth is where my mom died" Peter's voice broke, his cheeks rosy as he spoke. — "I just can't stop thinking about it"

    "Just because it's been a while it doesn't mean it's not okay to keep thinking about it" I sincerely assured.

    Quill's eyes bored into mine, his face softened a little more. — "You think?"

    "Of course" I curved my lips up into a small smile. — "There's nothing wrong with it, and definitely nothing wrong with you"

    There was a brief silence before Peter's quiet thank you echoed in the empty cockpit. — "The pink girl wasn't exactly my type" he then randomly added.

    "Ah, so you have a type" I clumsily teased.

    "I sure do, sneaky-head" he mocked teasingly and smiled a little. — "You wanna hear?"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now