four ↪ soenus 21C86D

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    "Stop here" Rocket instructed.

    "Probably not the best idea, it's better if we just park the ship somewhere" I pointed to a hidden cave craved on the side of the planet.

    "That is a good point" he huffed. "Land, I'll sort out our weapons"

    "Yes, captain" I mocked him but he proudly smirked without even noticing I was joking. Right, sarcasm immune.

    I handled the same levers as the previous time and did the exact opposite, the Milano shaking frantically against our feet as it slowly stopped, docked on the rock-covered surface. I asked Mantis and Groot to stay safe and be careful, so I reached Rocket and Drax and looked down at the bag full of weapons.

    "Do I get a weapon?" I asked, a little bit too enthusiastically.

    Drax slowly turned his whole body in my direction and stared at me seriously. "Who kills the most wins"

    "I'm so gonna win" I teased, his creepy smile showing up.

    "Ha! It's on!"


    Soenus 21C86D. The main surface of the planet was made of dark purple rocks that turned burgundy every time one of the stars above shined through. A soft layer of dust flew around the orbit, making it hard for us to breathe properly. Especially me.

    "Take this. Quill didn't have the time to keep it with him" Rocket handed me a small electronic device. — "It goes behind your ear. Touch it to activate it. For no reason you take it off, it would kill ya"

    I carefully listened to every word, only now feeling all the anxiety I tried to suppress in the past hours. Before I could give it any more thought, Drax touched the device now attached to my head, activating it. A layer of steel and nanotechnology materialized on my face. Wait. Quill's helmet?! I looked around curiously, feeling in some kind of VR game.

    "The oxygen composition on this planet will most likely kill ya" Rocket informed as he grabbed a couple of his own gadgets. "A six feet jump is enough to fry your ass"

    "Nice" I let out a shaky breath as I deactivated the helmet.

    "Let's go kill these-"

    "Stay right where you are, Hulk" I scolded Drax. "You and I will go all the way to the underground prison. Rocket, you think you can handle it up there?"

    "Do ya know who you're talking to?" Rocket huffed.

    "That's what I thought" I smiled at his behavior. The three of us hopped off the spaceship and walked through the cave, reaching the other way a few minutes later. It was time to split up. — "Stay safe, Rocket. Don't you die on me"

    Rocket snapped his head in my direction before going his own way. "Ha! Don't you die on me!"


    The path to the underground prison was uncomfortably safe for some reason. Too safe. At every step, the more we got closer, I felt sick to my stomach. That was it. Peter Quill was somewhere behind that double door. I was meeting him. A billion different scenarios started playing in my head. What was I supposed to say to him? The guy didn't even know me. But I was saving him, that must've meant something to him, right?

    "The door is locked" Drax blurted out.

    "No shit" I spat.

    "I can break it with my strength!" he chanted.

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now