fifteen ↪ trash panda

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    Mograv's sunrays beamed on my face a few hours later. I lazily opened my eyes but quickly sobered up when I felt a warm presence on my lower back. All the memories of a few hours earlier soon flowed back. Stargazing, talking, falling asleep on the lounge couch out on the balcony. I genuinely thought Peter would've carried me to my room, or at least slept in his own bed.

    My cheeks flustered red after I tried to move away from Peter but ended up in a tighter grip instead. His arm wrapped me good and pulled me even closer to his sleeping body. His soft snores both calmed me down and made my heart go wild, his warm breath tickling my skin. The only thing that managed to wake me up from that trance was a familiar roaring sound in the sky. The Milano. Rocket.

    I smacked Peter's arm in panic — "Wake up, it's super late!"

    He let out a muffled laugh against my skin and groaned. — "Five more minutes"

    "Quill, move" I seriously demanded.

    Peter raised his head a little with a smug. — "Make me"

    "Peter, I'm serious, Rocket's here. We have that meeting"

    In one quick smooth movement, he somehow managed to swing me so I could face him. We were so close, facing each other, so close I could feel his breath blowing on my face. He stared at me with a cute amused look, not backing up for a second.

   "What are you so afraid of?" his voice was deep and low as he whispered.

    "I-" the words died in my throat. Quill's face features truly were a joy for the eyes. He was so genuinely good looking. And he was lying there, so close to me, so real.

    Peter outstretched his hand and move a strand of hair away from my face. What was he even doing?! — "We have that meeting, we gotta go" I cleared my throat and finally moved away from his grip.

    "No, please, stay a little more" he whined.

    I snapped on my feet when the tension got super high. — "I'll meet you down there"


    "Where's Quill?" was the first thing Rocket asked me when I stepped into the lounge. I eyed him confused, why was he asking me?

    "Isn't he here?"

    "He clearly isn't" he groaned. His stare never left mine as he drafted away with his mind thoughtfully. — "You should go looking for him"

    At that point I was more than confused. — "Why me? I thought you didn't want me anywhere near him"

    "What are you sayin', dumbass?" he quirked an eyebrow. — "I just told ya not to think about him romantically"

    "How am I supposed to do that?! Every single time I look at the guy I can't stop thinking about it! Honestly, it's awful seeing him getting close and then poof, he's gone again"

    "That's exactly my point, stupid. You never know what he's thinkin" Rocket groaned. — "But he does care about ya"

    "Yeah, whatever, I don't even know what's going to happen once we go back to Xandar" I snapped, blinking my tears away. — "I can't and I won't force my presence on you guys. It'll end. Just like that. And there's no shit I can do about it!"

    I didn't notice the rest of the bunch until Drax spoke. — "Mae, you need to breathe. You are part of the family now"

    I angrily scoffed and sprang towards the elevator. Rocket loudly groaned. — "He doesn't want to be found"

    "Wasn't planning on it"


    My temper was getting the best of me lately. It was the same old story, I just couldn't appreciate and enjoy something I knew it had to end. I didn't manage to recover any lost memory and, honestly, I didn't want to anymore. I liked my new life. Heck, I loved it. I was finally part of something, something I fully felt I belonged to. The sense of inadequacy? Gone. Uneasiness? Also gone.

    I went for a walk in the nearby woods, longing for brainstorming. The trees were almost as beautiful as the ones on Earth, lined up around a pathway that led to a small lake. I breathed every bad thought out and focused on the big puddle in front of me. Boy, did I miss water? I stopped on the shore and sat down on the soft grass. I had never been a fan of barefoot walking but, man, I did like it when it came to sand or grass. So I did, I took off my shoes and slowly pressed my feet on the surface.

    "You sure make that look good" a low voice informed.

    "You asked me what I was so afraid of" I sighed and glanced up at him. Quill's joking expression soon turned serious as I spoke. He slid down on the grass next to me and waited for me to speak again without pressuring me.

    I dismissed my gaze and stared blankly at the Lake instead. — "I'm afraid I'll lose everything. Rocket, Groot, Drax, Mantis, you. Flying around the Galaxy and kick asses, shoot some shockers, mess around, stargazing the whole night"

    Peter listened to each word carefully, which kinda shocked me. I wasn't used to people hearing me out, and I even feared he wasn't actually listening. But he was. And he even looked interested in what I was saying.

    "When I lost my mom, I felt the ground collapsing under my feet." he blurted out. I glanced up at him in awe. He was willingly talking about his emotions, and all without me forcing it out of him. — "It was the ugliest pain I had ever experienced. Still is. What I learnt is.. we should take what it's been given to us until we have it"

    I didn't know what to say, how to answer to that, but Peter didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he smiled for some reason. — "Let's jump"


    "Let's do something crazy, right here right now. I challenge you to jump in" he shrugged with a smug as he hopped on his feet and suddenly took off his shirt in one quick movement, throwing it on the ground. I gaped my mouth open in shock. Dang, boy.

    He was clearly messing around, poking and challenging me for his liking. For once, I decided to loosen up instead and play along. I slowly got on my feet and locked my gaze on him. He looked amused, his gaze followed my every moment curiously. I grabbed the end of my shirt and shoved it over my head, a look of pure shock haunted Quill's face.

    I tried not to burst out laughing at his face as I slowly passed by him and jumped in the Lake's cold water. I re-emerged a few laps later, feeling a thousand times better already. I glanced over at Peter, whose shocked face was still present, and laughed. — "Are you coming or not?"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now