two ↪ spaceship

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    The Milano was as beautiful as ever. My heartbeat's pace increased step after step until I finally hopped on. Never in a hundred of years I thought I would've witnessed it in person. Drax and Rocket sorted some stuff in the main aisle while I reached the cockpit and sat behind the co-pilot seat. On my right, teen Groot was focused on his virtual videogame that looked a lot like one of the ones I played.

    "Hey" my voice shaking when I introduced myself to him. When he didn't answer, I tried a different approach. "I'm stuck at level 21. I kinda gave up"

    Groot glanced at me for the first time. "I am Groot!"

    I don't know exactly how his nonsense rambling made sense in my head. I parted my lips open, processing what just happened. — "Uh, the arrow one?"

    "I am Groot"

    "You have an arrow pointing left and one pointing right. What you have to do is the exact opposite. It aims left? You go right. It aims right? You go left. It's tricky. It took me ages to realize that" I rambled as he just stared at me.

    "I am Groot!"

    "Language!" Rocket scolded from the other part of the ship. "Mae, right? Start the engine, we're done here"

    I nodded unsurely. I walked back to the main aisle and looked up where the cassette player was. I pushed the play button, Awesome Mix Vol 1 loudly played through the speakers. I patted the wall with a smile creeping on my face. I was home. When I sat down the co-pilot seat, I eyed all the unknown buttons in front of me. Good thing was, you know those virtual reality simulation games in Arcades? The controls were exactly the same, but of course I couldn't be sure it was accurate.

    I turned on the line of switches and eyed the big red button on the right. It either started the ship or blew it up. The engine roared as the whole ground under my feet started shaking. I buckled my seatbelt and took a deep breath. You got this.

    "Groot, seatbelt" I instructed. "Drax, you too"

    Drax groaned and plopped his body on the seat behind my own. "She is Quill, but female"

    I ignored him. "Rocket, you up?"

    "Checking propulsion levels" his voice wasn't that far, sign that he was on his way.

    Virtual reality simulation. My favorite Arcade game was the one you had to race in a spaceship, Star Wars look-a-like. I took a deep breath and moved the handle on the left, pushing it ahead slowly as the spaceship lifted off. — "Mantis, you might want to sit down for this one. We need a heck of a push."

    Rocket sprinted in the cockpit and hopped on the pilot seat. He eyed me suspiciously with a funny face.

    I mimicked his expression as I looked at him. — "Seatbelt" I instructed. He groaned dramatically, pouting as he did so.

    Here we go. I moved the lever on the right, the spaceship moving forward. All I needed was focusing and coordinating my hands. I gave both the handles a decise push, the Milano sprinting towards the atmosphere. Rocket was enjoying himself a little too much, hysterically laughing as the speed increased critically. It was the only way to get out of the atmosphere without the spaceship shattering into thin air.

    The enlightened speed was skyrocketing, making me feel sick to my stomach. A gigantic bump pushed us outside the Earth's atmosphere like a cannonball.

    "I've got it from here" Rocket instructed as he switched the commands to his cubicle.

    I nodded. My dizziness was low-key killing me. Bad idea lying about having been in space before. I excused myself and went for the bathroom, my sickness getting the best of me.

    "Hey, uh, Mae, are you.. are you okay?" Mantis' sweet voice echoed from outside the door.

    "Spaceship sickness" I mumbled as I stepped out of the tiny room.

    "You're not going to.. leave us on that planet?"

    "Huh?" I quirked my eyebrow.

    "The previous girl. She said she wanted to save Quill. When he refused her she compromised the mission and stole the ship, leaving us on that planet. It was scaaary"

    "I'm.." I processed the info. "I'm not gonna do that."

    Mantis handed me a glass of water, which I happily picked up and took a sip from.

    "You don't want to get him in bed?" she tilted her head to the side as I abruptly split up all the fluid and almost chocked. What?!

    I coughed really bad. — "Oh, are you okay?" she asked again.


    Awesome Mix Vol 1 jammed through the speakers of the whole ship, it was heartwarming. I danced and sang along to every song, feeling already much lighter. My clumsy and awkward moves caught the attention of everyone because when I swung around, I saw them all staring at me in shock. I burst out laughing at their faces, too funny for me handle.

    "I am Groot" Groot mocked.

    "Shut up" I mocked him with a grin. "I'm not that bad."

    "I like the Escape song. It's very romantic" Drax stated with a straight face.

    I furrowed my eyebrows. "It's not really"

    "Why?" he deadass asked.

    "The guy read some article on a paper about this girl who was looking for a lover so he didn't care about his wife and wrote his own answer on the same paper and they decided to meet and oof, it was his wife all along."

    "Yes. Romantic." Drax repeated and he looked genuinely convinced of it.

    I stared at him for a brief second before I was able to brush it off. I rested both my elbows on the desk in the middle of the ship. "So what's the plan?"

    "What do you mean?" Rocket looked up at me. "Find Quill, free him, come back to the ship"

    "Right" I deadpanned. "Any back-up plan?"

    Rocket and Drax both stared at me confused. Geez. — "Right, okay. I think I'll just explore the ship, have a walk, and maybe... I don't know, think of an actual plan"

    "I am Groot" Groot informed, a loud beep coming from one of the screens.

    "I hate this planet" Rocket scoffed annoyed as he lazily walked up to the cockpit and hopped on the pilot seat.

    "How do you know Quill?" Drax suddenly asked. I snapped my head up and stared at him, not knowing what to say. I didn't exactly know him. And he definitely didn't know me. Oh boy.

    I shrugged casually. His lips curved up into a very creepy smirk. "Ha, haha"

    "No" I firmly stated.


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