twelve ↪ the walkman

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    The Milano was only two days away from our meeting point with the Avengers, Xandar. I had no idea how they were, how the other Peter was. The radio channel for communication was off, only beeping from time to time. When I reached the cockpit that morning, almost everyone was already on their seat.

    I spotted Peter's rebel hair snooping from the pilot seat and smiled like an idiot when the memories of the previous night flowed back. However, I sat on one of the free seats behind. Drax's eyes creepily followed my every movement for some reason, so I eyed him suspiciously.

    "Hello, Mae!" he said a little bit to loudly, flickering his gaze from me to the pilot seat. A smile made its way on his face when Quill snapped his head in our direction. — "Ha! It did work!"

    Before I could ask him what he meant and what game he was playing, Peter stood from his seat and walked in our direction. I exchanged looks with Drax, not quite understanding what was going on, but he just stared at me with that usual creepy smile of his.

    "Morning, sleepy-head" Quill's soft voice spoke as he stopped by me. — "You slept well?"

    "I guess?" I unsurely answered, my eyes flickered from him to Drax.

    Peter followed my sight and eyed his blue friend before glancing back at me. — "Can we, uh, talk for a minute?"

    "Sure, yeah" I tried not to sound too enthusiastic.

    I unsurely stood up and followed Quill under Rocket's careful gaze. I looked back at him and shrugged, not knowing what Peter was up to. I was lead to the main cabin of the ship, where the long desk was. What I had never noticed on the wall before were two windows, one per side, the glass now showing.

    My attention was soon attracted to the view outside. It was breathtaking. And, honestly, witnessing it with Peter by my side made it a whole new level of better. — "They never showed you this?"

    "No" I faintly answered, still taken aback by such overwhelming galaxy colors.

    "This is my safe place, especially now that my walkman is gone"

    I snapped my head in Quill's direction and quirked an eyebrow. — "Wait, what happened to your walkman?"

    "I lost it on Soenus, the guards got it from me and kept it" he frowned.

    "No they didn't?" I was genuinely confused. How come didn't Rocket give it to him? What was he up to? — "I got it from the guards before getting Rocket out of there"

    Quill looked sincerely confused as well. He involuntarily squeezed his eyes as he always did when focused or thoughtful. — "So you have it?"

    "I did. I gave it to Rocket and he swore he would've given it to you but.. he didn't??"

    "What? No, he didn't!" Peter's concern was turning into pure anger, I had to do something. Or did I? — "Stay right here, I'll be back"


    Quill loudly called out for Rocket, saying he would've met him in his room to talk. Oh no, more drama. I took a few steps in the corridor's direction and stopped on the doorway. Soon enough the two of them starting yelling at each other, as expected. Geez, no.

    "Why didn't you tell me you have my walkman?!" Peter scolded.

    "So what? I had to give it to ya?" Rocket was being stubborn again.

    Quill huffed. — "Duh, yes?! What is wrong with you?!"

    "I didn't want her to give it to you! Happy now? You didn't have to know she got it back for you!"


    "Quill, let's be honest here. You use girls, she's a girl, do the damn math" the raccoon deadass said.

    "I wouldn't use her!"

    "Why? Because you don't find her attractive? Both options suck, turd!"

    I heard Peter huff again. — "No? Because she actually gets me!"

    "Ha-ha, don't give me that crap!" Rocket humorlessly laughed.

    I hated hearing them argue. It didn't happen as often but, when it did, it was awful. I felt incredibly bad for letting Peter know I got the walkman, but the boy was right. It was really important to him, Rocket didn't have the right to keep it without his consent.

    "Why are you even so mad?! Maybe don't be childish for once!" Quill accused.

    "Oh, I am being childish?! You're so full of yourself you don't even see when someone actually likes you!" Rocket yelled back.

    "Most girls like me, what's your point?!"

    "That's exactly my point! Most girls only like you when you screw them!" the raccoon groaned exhausted and eventually stomped away. — "You can have your stupid walkman, asshole"

    I moved from the doorway real quick, afraid one of them would've catch me overhearing their heated discussion. I took a few steps back and eventually bumped into a hard chest.

    "Why are they killing each other with words?"

    "Drax, geez, you scared me" I breathed heavily. — "I don't know, do they do this often?"

    "Yes" Drax thoughtfully glanced over Quill's bedroom door. — "Never like this"

    I sighed and couldn't help feeling guilty. Their arguments were pretty bad, more now that Rocket knew I liked Quill. I even tried to reassure him but nothing had changed. I glanced up at Drax and thought maybe we could've fixed the situation. — "Can you go talk to Quill? I'll go check on Rocket"

    "Mae" Drax seriously remarked. — "You're a dancer"

    I eyed him confused. — "What?"

    "You're a dancer" he repeated, like it made more sense now that he had said it twice. Spoiler: it didn't.

    "I mean, not really. I'm pretty bad at it, what's with this now? Rocket and Quill really need to sort this stupid thing out and-"

    "That is why Rocket is angry" Drax continued undisturbed.

    I gaped my mouth open in such confusion. — "Rocket is mad because I'm a.. dancer?"

    "Quill doesn't see it. He's pathetic at times. Rocket doesn't want you to be a dancer"

    "Dude, you're not making any sense to me" I calmly informed. To my right, Mantis made her way in our direction with a confused look herself. At least I wasn't the only one.

    "There's a ship shooting at us" she said with such calm.


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