nine ↪ rocketship

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    "..and we kinda had a moment but, geez, did I really say that out loud?" I frantically explained.

    "Yes" Mantis tilt her head to the side. — "Are you all right?"

    I dramatically took a deep breath and eventually recomposed myself. — "You know, it's okay. I'm kinda overwhelmed, that's all. It's just that he's so my type, but I'm probably still dazed about the Starlord thing. I don't know Peter that much, you know what I mean?"

    "I- don't" Mantis looked highly confused. I was rambling again.

    "Hey can you, I don't know, maybe tell me more about him?"

    "He is a male, short hair, green eye-"

    I stared at her dead in the eyes. — "Mantis. I meant it like.. what is he like? His passions and that kind of stuff"

    "Oh" Mantis' big black eyes widened even more than usual.

    Rocket abruptly jumped in the conversation. — "He's a dipshit, blasts more music than necessary, annoys the hell out of chicks, can't dance, can't pilot, definitely not a captain, full of himself. What do ya wanna know?"

    "Uh, general knowledge about just anyone" I lied.

    Mantis tilt her head to the side one more time. — "Oh. I thought you only wanted to know about-"

    "Anyone. Yep. That's exact" I quickly interrupted her.

    Rocket quirked an eyebrow at me and eyed me suspiciously. I shrugged and eventually switched the topic.

    Our spaceship was stuck in Jupiter's atmosphere. Somehow, oxygen levels had messed up with some components of our engine and it needed fixing. Rocket and Quill were working on it all day, while I chit-chatted with Mantis and avoided Drax's uncomfortable invading questions. Groot, on the other hand, was so focused on that videogame console, which made both Rocket and Peter fuming.

    "Groot, pal, let's have a walk?" I suggested.

    "I am Groot?"

    "Yeah, outside" I snorted.

    Groot flickered his big eyes from me to his gameboy. — "I am Groot"

    "We will be super quick, I promise. We both need some fresh air, c'mon" I dragged him to the main exit and hopped off the Milano.

    Quill was the first to speak. — "Hey, where are you heading?"

    Groot and I both glanced up to where our team-mates were doing handy working. — "I am Groot"

    "You? You are going for a walk?" Peter's eyes widened a little, a flash of concern on his face.

    "I am Groot" Groot shrugged.

    Rocket flickered his eyes from me to Quill and back before he also jumped off the ship. — "Wait, shit-head! I need to be talkin with ya"

    "Hey!" Peter scolded. — "What about me?!"

    "Drax can help ya" Rocket snorted before he burst into a hysterical laugh.

    Let me tell you something, that walk was much needed. Unexpectedly, the air was fresh and calming. Best for brainstorming. I was so over my head when Rocket completely shattered the atmosphere.

    "I'm gonna be honest, kid. Quill's not your type" he blurted out.

    I abruptly stopped on my tracks. What?!  — "Huh?"

    Rocket rolled his eyes dramatically. — "I ain't stupid. I see the way you look at him."

    I was completely taken aback by his words. I gaped my mouth open in both confusion and concern. Was it that obvious? Of course it was, stupid! I tried to say something, anything, but no sound left my lips.

    "What, you out of words?" Rocket sarcastically asked before his voice softened a bit. — "Quill's a multiple chicks at time dude. He doesn't deserve someone like you. That's all."

    Groot, who got lost by watching the trees, eventually spoke up. — "I am Groot"

    "I am not intruding on her business!" Rocket huffed. — "Just being honest. He's an idiot!"

    "I am Groot!"

    "I know he's our friend! Chill the f out!" the raccoon groaned as he folded his tiny arms over his chest.

    I felt blood pumping to my cheeks. Oh geez, it really was obvious. I had to do something. — "It's, uh, it's nothing. I don't even know him that well"

    "Look, 's long as it stays a crush, you're good" Rocket shrugged. — "Keep it like that"

    "I honestly wish I didn't have to keep it at all" I sincerely confessed with a soft sigh.

    "He's no good for ya" Rocket remarked one more time. Right.


    The way back to the ship was painfully silent. I had billions of thoughts crushing in my head. It was stupid, having a crush on Peter. This world I bumped into, real or not, was my reality now. And Quill.. Quill was a person. Flesh, bones, feelings; not just a fantasy. If I had to like him, it'd have to be because of his real self. Forget the movies, forget the comics. I had to act like I had never known anything about him in the first place.

    "I am Groot" Groot's voice echoed when we hopped back on the ship.

    "The usual plans-wrecker!" Rocket groaned. — "You never go out!"

    "I am Groot"

    "A walk in the woods is not going out"

    I stopped walking and eyed the two of them. The whole day Drax wouldn't shut up about the campfire and poisoning bar, as he called the pub. I wasn't really in the mood for any of those things, but I also didn't want Rocket to snap at me again.

    "Mae is coming too! Right, Mae?" Rocket's glance fell on me.

    "Yes to the bonfire thing, no to the drinking thing" I tried to sound as confident as possible.

    Groot sighed of relief. — "I am Groot"

    Before I had the time to agree at staying with him while the others went out, Rocket groaned. — "Why are you being such turds?!"

    "Listen, Fozzie bear, honestly I'm tired. All I want to do is chill by the campfire and then go to sleep. I don't really need to see Peter in action, if you know what I mean" I sincerely informed.

    "I am Groot"

    Rocket quirked an eyebrow. — "What do ya mean you don't want to see him in action either?"

    "I am Groot"

    Suddenly, Drax abruptly yelled and jumped somewhere on the ship. Some things of the shelf fell down, giving us all a jumpscare. — "Campfire!"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now