twenty-three ↪ way back to xandar

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    Rocket smoothly followed the path led by Peter's device coordinates. Even though it resulted damaged, he somehow managed to make it work. The planet we landed on was empty, at least by appearance. Steve's idea to split our big group into little ones was pretty smart. Quill insisted we got in the same team, dragging Mantis with us. The only quiet one, he had said.

    At the moment the three of us stepped into a very creepy and dark cave, there was a loud bang. My heart flipped inside my chest, I was crazy worried about everyone. Emergency saving was always one of the most dangerous missions for some reason. I led the way, not exactly sure where we were headed. Not too far from us, on the dusty ground, was the device we had followed. I gulped and picked it up. It was damaged, a lot, which worried me a whole lot.

    "So there's two Peter-s now?" Mantis' soft voice echoed in the empty cave.

    Peter huffed. "Pff, no. I am Peter. The other kid is.. Peter two"

    A sudden swish sound caused us to abruptly stop on our tracks. Quill activated his elmet instantly while Mantis tried her best to look badass with her fists up. I would've rolled my eyes or even laughed if I wasn't so worried. A small figure flied across the cave and landed across Quill. He lifted his shooters up in defense, ready to attack. I was still caught up with scanning the device before I heard Quill speaking, threatening actually, our new threat. When I shot my eyes up, my heart almost stopped.

    Spider-man had his fists up as for defence before he spotted me. His mask faded away thanks to Stark's technology, revealing his young face. I sucked in a sharp breath and sprinted to his side under Quill's attentive eyes.

    I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into the tightest hug. "Petey! Are you okay??"

    "Mmh" Peter's faintly hummed in the crook of my neck. "Why are you- why are you here?"

    "What, you really thought I'd leave you behind, dummy?"

    I slowly pulled away and scanned the boy's face. The corner of his lips curved up into a shy smile as he slightly shook his head. "You're so stubborn"

    "Excuse me?" Quill huffed, his arms folded against his chest. "You two mind including us?"

    Mantis tilted her head to the side confused. I shyly nodded in star boy's direction and shot my eyes back on spidey. I had missed him, a lot. "I'm just happy you're okay"

    Peter grinned, his eyes stopping on Quill. They glanced at each other for a moment longer than necessary for some odd reason. Mantis' antennas lit up, like she could sense danger was near. She didn't speak, but I nodded in her direction. I grasped Spidey's arm and carried him towards our ship before Quill dramatically coughed.

    "I am the boyfriend" he blurted out so randomly Petey and I shot our eyes up on him.

    Spider boy eyed me for a brief second before returning star-boy's glance. "Yeah and what?"

    Quill's facial expression didn't change when he slightly flinched at the boy's words. He suspiciously eyed me up and down, his eyebrows knitted together as he scanned my face for any sign of.. I don't even know what.

    "We do not have time" Mantis' voice snapped us all back on our tracks and towards the Milano.


    After what felt like months, my new friends and I were finally just about to land on the pre-assigned meeting planet, Xandar. Stark and the rest of the Avengers were waiting for us, and I truly had no clue of what to expect at that point. Most of us was going to fly back to Earth, obviously, but what about me? The Guardians didn't belong on Terra, they didn't exactly belong anywhere. They literally roamed the Galaxy, all of it.

    "Watcha thinking, weirdo?" Rocket spat in my face from the pilot seat.

    I smiled over at him from my own seat and shrugged. "What do you think happens next?"

    "We drop the dudes in the suit and go back on usual boring duty, what do ya mean?" he was genuinely clueless of what I was referring to.

    "No, I mean.. what about me?"

    Rocket's furry eyebrows knitted together as his eyes searched my face. "What about ya? Ya's staying, right?"

    "I'm not sure I'm allowed" I looked ahead with a small frown. These guardians folks had grown on me so much I hadn't notice how I had slowly started considering them my own family.

    "Who says ya're not? Those dudes?" Rocket scoffed annoyed. "This is my ship, ya're staying"

    There was a silence before another voice added to our apparently not-so-private conversation.

    "Technically, this is my ship" Quill remarked, and I could tell he rolled his eyes. "What are you two talking about?"

    "Space girl might not be a space girl no more" another voice explained. Thor took a step forward, Rocket and I only now acknowledging his presence on the cockpit.

    Peter's face contorted at the sound of those words. "Wait what? What's the God dude on about?"

    "Nah, scratch that, she's stayin' on" Rocket confidently folded his tiny arms over his chest. "I make the rules"

    It was now Thor's face's turn to contort in confusion. "I am quite sure you don't have the authority of such-"

    "Shut up, man" Quill huffed.


    Xandar looked like a luxury planet, a bigger and fancier New York City. There was a line of tall buildings, all covered in big high glass windows. The Avengers' other ships were on the landing zone, sign that everyone got there okay. Good thing. The Guardians, Thor, Steve, Spidey, and I hopped off the Milano and walked into the closest facility. Tony Stark was first in line, pulling spider boy into a crashing hug. A few moments went by before he unexpectedly did the same to me. I stood there numb and confused at first, but soon enough returned the hug.

    Once everyone had said their hello, we all had a meeting in the widest room of the biggest building. Steve and all the other Avengers had their bags already packed, all ready to leave. Mr.Stark eyed me from quite the distance and eventually took a few steps in my direction.

    "What’s going on in that smart little heard of yours?"

    I shrugged but didn't dare look up.

    "Thinking about sticking with the galaxy team?" he continued like he could so easily read me.

    "I'm.. not sure" I bit my bottom lip in all nervousness and, honestly, I didn't know why I was so doubtful all of a sudden. Being with the Guardians had been my dream for so long, and it was real now, maybe too real.

    I closed my eyes shut for a split second. On my left stood Peter Quill, my long-term crush who now liked me back, eager to know more about my choice — on my right stood Peter Parker, the best friend I never had, curiously scanning my face for any sign of something. Why was choosing taking me so long? Why was I feeling so conflicted? I took a deep breath but, before I could give them my answer, everything went blurry until I so helplessly passed out.

    I woke up feeling completely dazed and restless, definitely confused at such sudden action. I blinked a few times, not one bit recognizing my surroundings until I did. I took in a sharp breath, every little piece of my heart breaking when I gazed up at the posted on the wall. Endgame. A Marvel poster. A poster that wasn't supposed to exist in that universe. A poster that kept on breaking my heart every single time I looked at it. I was back. I was back and nothing- nothing was Endgame. And I didn't get to say goodbye.

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