twenty-two ↪ peter parker

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    Meeting point was only hours away. After the little, not so little, accident I had found myself thinking a lot. More than usual, for instance. I ain't gonna lie, it sure was very tiring and overwhelming. Quill had been taking care of me all morning, walking in on me every ten minutes asking if I needed something. The Milano had never been so crowded. Thor and Steve had joined us, and of course a bunch of Mogravians — Payzer included — were taken prisoners on our spaceship.

    A soft knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts, fortunately. I wasn't expecting anyone, except for Peter, but Star-boy didn't have to knock. To my surprise, behind the recently open door was a tall blond dude glaring at me impatiently. Thor.

    "Hey?" I unsurely spoke up.

    "Hello" he simply stated. We just silently stared at each other for what felt like hours.

    I blinked. "Is there.. something wrong?"

    "No" Thor shrugged. And again, silence. Nice convo, bud. — "Peter kid wants to communicate with you"

    I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Uh, okay? That's who sent you in? Quill?"

    Thor stayed silent for a moment before eventually acknowledged the situation. — "Oh, no. The other Peter. The spider boy"

    There was another silence. Parker? Peter Parker wanted to talk to me? Communication was open again? I must've gone in deep thoughts right away because, when I snapped myself back to my senses, Thor was staring at me impatiently. — "Do you also want to communicate with the spider kid?"

    "Right, yes! Of course!" I excitedly stated, feeling also a little bit nervous.

     "Passcode five-o-six" the God of thunder shrugged, like what he just said make sense to me. He then stepped closer, handed me a device, and left the room in silence.

    The black cube felt cold in my hands. I turned it over and over, not knowing how to make it work or even turn it on. I groaned and dropped it on the bed. — "Ugh! Just work!"

    The six faces of the cube slid open, leaving space and relieving a crystal sphere. Taken aback, I jumped on my seat a little. Of course Stark had to build something like that. There was an electronic sound before a female voice spoke up. — "Confirm passcode"

    "Oh, uh-" my heart made a flip. "Five-o-six?"

    "Passcode accepted. Connecting now to Peter Parker"

    I couldn't tell why exactly, but I suddenly started feeling extremely nervous. I rubbed my sweaty hands on my sweatpants and impatiently waited for the next action. The crystal sphere starting reflecting some kind of hologram, which I wasn't one bit ready for. Peter's projection suddenly appeared in the middle of the bed, I gulped.

    He looked different. His face was covered in dry blood and his hair was sticking to his forehead. He breathed heavily, but his lips slowly curved up when he acknowledged me. Wait, could he see me too. Of course he could. Damn you, Stark!

    "Hey" he breathed out.

    "Hey" I quietly said back. I couldn't help but study every feature of his, glad he was okay at least. — "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is that your blood on your face?"

    "Hey" he chuckled a little, but I could tell he was exhausted. — "I'm- yeah, fine. Kinda hurt. Blood is from.. well, a bunch of bad guys, and also mine, a little"

    I noticed something going around behind him. Some thing that, never in a billion years, could've been on our meeting point planet. — "Where are you? Why aren't you on Xandar yet?"

    "Yeah, about that.." his little smile abruptly fell. — "I- I messed up, Mae. I just- I messed up big time. I had this mission but trusted the wrong guy and it all just.. got complicated"

    My heartbeat increased. "What do you mean? Are you in danger? Just tell me where you are and I-"

    "No, it's- just fine. Don't worry about me" Peter smiled again, but this time it was different. — "Will you, please, tell May I never meant for all this to happen? I just- I'm a mess and I've never wanted to hurt any of the people I love but I somehow.. always do"

    "Hold on, Peter, please-"

    Spider-boy suddenly cracked up crying. His eyes were puffy and red, like he had been crying even before phoning me. He kept shoving his hand through his hair and rub his teary eyes. He looked breathless, tired, knocked out. — "Goodbye, Star-girl. Take care, okay?"

    With that, the hologram vanished into thin air. The room fell silent, except for the same female voice as earlier. — "Connection with Peter Parker lost."


    I sprinted to the cockpit and turned out the virtual map. Everyone in the room snapped their heads in my direction and stopped doing whatever they were doing. Quill was the first to speak. — "Honey, are you okay?"

    I gave him a distracted nod before calling out for Rocket. "Can you locate the exact position of the other part of this cube?"

    "What's that?" Rocket curiously grabbed the device and turned it over in his tiny paws.

    "It's a lan cube" Thor unexpectedly informed. Out of character of him, who never really knew anything. And I mean it, anything. — "You have used it for communicating with Spider-kid"

    "Yes, yes! I need to locate him right now. Can anybody help?" I frantically called out.

    Quill stepped closer and whispered in my ear, blowing warm air on my skin. — "Care to explain?"

    I took a deep breath and faced them all, but my gaze stayed on Quill. "We all need to be on Xandar before tomorrow for extraction point. Pete-uh- Spider-man is not. He's out there, all alone, in big danger. I'm not giving up on him. I'm going, you're all welcome to join me"

    "T'was getting boring on this filthy ship, I'm on it" Thor shrugged.

    Peter furrowed his eyebrows and shot a death glare in his direction. "Excuse me?! Filthy? Really?"

    "I got him" Rocket informed. "Planet Spinovard eighty-six. Just a few jumps away. Shall we?"

    "Hello? We don't have time for a rescue mission" Quill argued. I glanced up at him and bored my eyes into his.

    "Peter, I know we don't" I sighed. "Just know that he's the reason I'm here with you right now"

    "Ha-ha! Gotcha!" randomly yelled Drax.

    Quill breathed heavily before smiling a little. "That's actually my fault, I choose this cute badass over here"

Reckless ↪ Peter Quill [Starlord] Where stories live. Discover now