Abusive Nature | Bucky Barnes

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Trigger Warning:
Abusive Behavior

It's been a hectic day at the Café, we were running out of supplies, some of our employees were gone, my boss woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and it was a really busy day.

I finally get home about 2 hours later than I should typically be. I let a sigh of relief as I walk in the door.

"Where were you." Bucky calls in an angry tone. Bucky has been acting a little weird lately, I'm scared that he is going to go into 'the winter soldier' again. I don't think so though, I mean it's been 3 years and Bruce said he was fine.

"Hello to you too" I say with a slight chuckle while putting my bag on the counter. "Where were you!" Bucky shouts with even more anger and a fist slam on the counter.

"Baby, calm down I was just at work. We had a hectic day." I look in his eyes and see anger, rage, and hatred. "You were supposed to be home 2 hours ago." He steps closer to me making me scared and step back. "I-I know. I- I uh I'm sorry, we were really busy today" I say in a scared tone.

"And you couldn't take 5 minutes to call me to let me know?!" He screams. "Buck I'm sorry, I tried bug my boss wouldn't let me!" Tears start to well up in my eyes, I'm not sure what's happening to my Bucky. My sweet Bucky that would creep up behind me and give me hugs and kisses. My Bucky that would make me laugh at every joke he told. My Bucky that would never even think to hurt a fly is now angry at me for being late. I mean I understand the worry but this isn't like him.

"Oh so work is more important than me. I deserve to know where you are! Your mine!" What? He really thinks that "What?! No! Nothing is more important to me than you! I love you so much" Why is he reacting like this? I didn't mean to not let him know. "Well if you loved me enough you would have let me know!" He steps closer and now towering me. "You think I don't love you! God, Bucky I had a really busy day!" I yell.

"Did you just scream at me?!" He shouts back. "I-I'm sorry.." I say just louder than a whisper. His metal arm shoots up to my head, luckily I saw his hand form a fist and ducked the punch with a yelp. The wall behind me now has a huge hole in it, there is wall pieces all in my hair and clothes.

I book it to the door and leave. I'm not 100% sure where I'm going but it's better than home right now. I walk outside when I realize a safe place to go, the tower. Crying, I realize that Bucky has turned into the 'Winter Soldier' again.

About 20 minutes later I enter the tower and rush to Steve's room. "Hey Ava, you need someth- woah, what's wrong?" My puffy red eyes, tear stained cheeks, and quivering lips give away that I've been crying. Steve comes over to me and gives me a hug "You ok?" He asks pulling away from the hug. "I-it's Bucky.. h-he tried to p-punch me and I-I-I think he is going into the winter soldier again." I say still crying

"What? You want to stay here for a while? I'll go talk to him" he asks. "Y-yea. Thank you." I sit down on the chair he has in his room as he gets his shoes on "your fine, ok? I'll go take care of him and we will bring him back. I promise" he tells me about to walk out the door. I nod my head and sit back on the chair. How did this happen? Was it cause of me? Did someone say the words? Thoughts rush into my head as I start to hyperventilate and panic.

*Time Skip brought to you by Thor learning to ride a bike*

After about an hour and a half I hear the door open with Steve standing in the frame. "H-how is he? Did y-you get him b-back?" I stutter still shaken up about this whole thing. "He is fine, we got him back. Look, I know his other guy is scary to deal with, trust me, we are going to get him help in Wakanda like we did last time and hopefully he will be better this time." He says walking over to me "Again? Will I be able t-to visit him this time?" I don't want him to go again, I mean it's good for him but I'll miss him.

"Yes, this time you will. It will have to be under the supervision of guards and doctors but you will be able to visit him." Oh thank everything that is good. Last time was a nightmare, he wasn't there to comfort me after a long day, he wasn't there to give me hugs through the day, he wasn't there.

"Wanna come say your goodbyes?" He asks "y-yea." We walk out of the bedroom and go to the QuinJet that Bucky is about to go on. "Bucky, I'm going to miss you!!" I say giving him a huge hug. "I know Doll, I'm going to miss you too" I cry a bit in his shoulder as we hold each other for a moment. "Don't forget me buck" I coo "Ava, how could I ever forget you?" I chuckle slightly. "Alright I have to go now, I love you doll." He says giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you too" I say with tears welling up in my eyes. He walks into the Jet and waves me a goodbye, I wave back as a few tears stream down my face.
Hey, at least I'll be able to see him soon.

Hey guys! I hope you liked that Imagine! I'll be posting some more soon when I write them! Tell me how I did and your overall opinions on it in the comments!

Bye my lovely's!!
                              -Lizzy 💕☺️

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