Snap | Avengers

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This is the fight of our lives, we can't loose this again. We just got everyone who snapped away back thanks to Bruce.

I kick these creatures that call themselves 'Thanos' Children'. At this point, i don't care what they are, i need and want them dead. Rage fills me as i fight these things, I lost half the people i loved and Thanos and his crew were to blame so they are going to pay for it.

I finally get a breather from fighting and see Peter struggling to get the gauntlet in a safe area. I have already thought this through before the battle even started to happen. I need to take it, i can't let what happened last time happen again.

I make up my mind and rush to Peter, kicking and punching anything that gets in my way of him.

"Peter! Give the gauntlet to me!" I shout

"Ashley? Why? I need to get it to Tony now." He questions

"No Peter, you can't. Look, we are outnumbered, no one can get to us nor can we get to them."

"What are you saying?" Peter realizes what I'm about to do but isn't 100% sure if he is correct

"I need to do it, just give it ok?" I say sweetly. Its going to hurt, not me, everyone else, but it is for the greater good

"No! Ashley, I- I can't let you ok? You're 15, It will kill you!" Peter exclaims

"I know it will! But, there isn't any way we can get it to Tony and I just got you and everyone back and I can't loose you again."

"Thank about me! You're my best friend, I can't loose you either!"

"Peter just give it before it is too late!"

"Ashley no-"

He gets cut off by some chitari creature attacking us. I kick, punch, stab, shoot, anything to get it away from us. Peter webs him up as best as he can. Tony shoots at it, helping us. Peter tosses up the gauntlet to Tony but it doesn't reach, when it drops down i catch it.

"nO! NO GIVE IT ASHLEY!" A moment of realization washes over him.

I put it on,

The pain, oh the pain.

It hurts so bad but I know it is for the greater good.

Kill the enemy, kill the enemy, kill the enemy. Is all that goes through my head

I snap. Thanos who is now a few feet away from me fades into dust. His whole crew fading into dust.


Their gone now, and that is all i care about.

I completely fall down, sitting against a big rock, slowly dying. Everyone stands there in shock, Thor and Steve are trying to hold back their tears, Tony is crying probably feeling guilty since it was supposed to be him, and Peter, oh Peter, he comes up, his eyes flooded with tears

"Ashley.. Hey, hey. Why did you do that? Hey look at me, we won. Ok? You hear me? We won! Hey, you're going to make it, just look at me."

"no P-peter, i-i won't. l-listen, I love y-you all. I-I know t-this will h-hurt you b-but I n-need you t-to move on. I w-will be in a b-better place, o-ok? T-tony, this isn;t y-your fault, i-it was mine. P-peter, same g-goes for y-you, o-ok."

Peter lets out a heart wrenching sob holding me like I am his lifeline. Pepper pulls him back letting him fall into her arms

"H-hey kid, listen, I know it isn't my fault but I am still going to miss you, you were like a sister to me. I love you so much." Tony cooes before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I see everyone standing above me, I give them all a weak smile before my vision goes black.

This isn't when or how I wanted to go, but I saved the universe, and that is all that matters
Hey guys, sorry that that was so sad. I felt like making a sad one lol. I hope you have had or going to have a a great day though! I love you my lovely's!

♡︎ 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now