Breakup | Steve Rogers

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Inspired by a prompt:
"Hey, let me in. I'm outside with your favorite pizza"
Possibly one of the worst things in the world.

About two or three days ago I caught my now ex boyfriend John on top of another woman sticking his tongue down her throat.

I sit there crying my eyes out wishing that I had done better, been thinner, been prettier, been nicer. Maybe if I was good enough, he wouldn't have done that.

I hear a knock at the door, at this point, I don't give a crap who is there, so I ignore it.
Another knock....

Once again, another knock.

"Hey, let me in. I'm outside with your favorite pizza" I recognize the voice, it's Steve.

I get up from my mountain of blankets and answer the door. It is Steve, if it had been anyone else I would have slammed the door on them.

*^*^*^Steve's POV ^*^*^*

Y/n finally opens the door. I look down at her, giving her a weak smile. That smile turns into a frown when I see her.

I see her bloodshot eyes, tearstained cheeks, rubbles raw nose, tangled hair, and she clearly hasn't showered in days. I feel so bad, that John dude was a utter and complete idiot to let her go.

I can't help but have butterflies in my stomach, every time I look at her all I see is beauty. Maybe after she heals, I can get her.

*^*^*^*Y/n's POV^*^*^*^*

"Hey Steve." I mumble

"Hi, I brought some pizza to make you feel better."

"Thanks, you can come in if you want."

And with that, he walks in. Steve sets the pizza down on my coffee table and then sits on my couch.

"You want to talk about it?" Steve asks, patting the couch cushion next to him.

I nod, walking over to him. I don't want to sit next to him, no. I want a hug, someone to let me know they care about me.

If I have to be honest, I've always had a crush on Steve, I just stopped obsessing over him cause I doubt he likes me back.

I curl up next to him, his arms join together on my back and he rests his chin on my head.

I break out in a fit of sobs, hiccuping and everything. Steve runs his hands on my back in small circles to let me know everything will be ok.

"S-steve.." I stutter


"A-a-am I g-good enough?" I ask

"What? What do you mean? Of course you're good enough! Any man would be so lucky to have you. Cheating on you was the most idiotic thing ever, he lost a good one."

"B-but she had to h-have been p-prettier t-than me."

"Hey, no, we are not going to talk about ourselves like that. Not to be weird or anything, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."

I give him a weak smile before moving to get a slice of pizza. I lean back and cuddle up next to him again.

"Hey Steve?"

"Mm?" He hums in response, his mouth also filled with pizza

"I know I just broke up with another dude but... I-I have always liked you." I confess

He gulps down his pizza, face turning red. "Y- you do?"

I nod sadly, knowing he might reject me and this could just ruin our relationship.

"I-I do too." He smiles

A soft blush creeps over my cheeks and the tip of my nose, a small grin lies on my lips, our relationship didn't just end then and there

He leans in slowly and soon enough our lips meet. His dancing with mine perfectly. His lips are soft and kind, his kisses are gentle but with enough passion.

He pulls back, a grin on his face.
"I guess that means we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" He chuckles

I chuckle too "yea, I guess it does"

We lean back cuddling together, hands interlocked, and butterflies in my stomach.
Sorry about all the Steve ones. I was planning on doing a Loki, Peter Q, or Thor one but this prompt SCREAMED Steve, so I had to do it!

I'll see ya later my lovely's!
-Lizzy 💕🪐

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