Chocolate | Loki Laufey/Odinson

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I groan at the aching pain in my lower stomach, my lovely period is here. Every time aunt flow is in town I get horrible cramps, severe mood swings, major pimples, and a heavy flow. Basically I get the worst period ever. I clench my stomach as I cry into my pillow, why I'm crying you ask? Beats me.

"Love, what's wrong? Are you alright Olivia?" Loki cooes, worry filling his voice. He walks over to my curled up body and rubs my back gently "N- nooo. C-c-c-cramppss" I say in between my crying. "Oh love, I'm sorry. Would you like me to go to the store and get some chocolate?" I instantly stop crying thanks to my waked hormones. "Yes please!!!" I say jumping up. Loki learned about Periods when we first started dating, he was dumbfounded and so confused. It was honestly funny. But ever since then he has been so sweet and kind about it.

He chuckles "alright honey. I'll be back soon. Would you like a- what's the word.. h-heat pack? Would you like one of those before I leave to the shop?" I chuckle at him, I know he isn't from earth, or what he calls 'Midgard' but it's still funny. "If you can yea, I would like a heating pad." I correct him. He smiles and kisses the top of my head "Ok, I'll be back I'm a minuet." I nod and lay back down

About a minute or two later I start to get angry at Loki. He isn't back with my heating pad fast enough and my hormones are getting to me. "LOKIIII!!!" I shout with full blown anger at him. A few seconds later, he teleports to my room and puts the pad on my stomach "Ugggg YOU DIDN'T COME FAST ENOUGH" I say punching is arm "Love, I- I am sorry." He frowns. "I-I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings. I-I'm sorry!!" I burst out in tears again, I hate my period. "Hey, hey, hey, don't cry! You didn't hurt my feelings at all. Shh shh. It's ok." He pulls me close to him, brushing his fingers through my hair.

He lays me back down with my heating pad, covering me up with the blankets. "You lay here and I'll be back as soon as I can, ok?" I nod my head as he kisses the top of my heat once more. "I love you, call me if you need me." He smiles. "I love you too." I smile back. He teleports to the store  and I curl up to a ball again and fall asleep.

*Time Skip brought to you by Thor learning what an Xbox was*

I wake up to a clatter-like noise towards the kitchen followed by talking.
"Brother, do you think this is enough?"

"Yes Loki, why do you always freak out every month? She appreciates you."

"Yes but I love her, a-and I want it to be perfect." 

"Brother, Olivia loves you also. She is going to love this"

"Alright, thank you brother"

"Your welcome, I'll see you later."

I get up and walk to the kitchen. "Loki? Who were you talking too?" He sees me, walks over to me and gives me a hug. "No one darling, but I bought you the chocolate." I smile at the mountain of chocolate on the counter. Thanks to my hormones again, I start to cry, not of sadness but of joy. "Love? Was it not enough? I can go get you more! Don't cry please." I wipe my tears and smile at him. "No, I-I am s-so happy. T-t-thank you" I say in between cries.

Loki leans in and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. It lasts for a few seconds before I pull away and run to the chocolate, opening it up and stuffing my face with it. "Seems that you like it" Loki chuckles. I just nod, face way to full of chocolate to talk.

He picks me up bridal-style and puts me and my chocolate down on the couch. He turns on the tv and let's be cuddle him. "I love you Loki." I say with a mouthful full of chocolate "I love you too Olivia, I love you too." He says as he chuckles.
Sorry not sorry that I talked about periods. It's not gross, it's a natural thing that happens. Get over it. To those of you who don't mind talking about periods, thank you, I appreciate you. And to those of you who are on their periods, I'm sorry girl. It's rough, I know, but you will get through this!

Anyway, I hope you liked this Imagine! I really like it and enjoyed writing it. I may or may not make some more period related imagines. Tell me your opinions in the comments!
Bye my lovely's!!!

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