Guilt | Friend!Steve Rogers

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She drops.

The little girl I was supposed to save, dropped.

500+ feet on a skyscraper, and below is nothing but concrete, no way she could ever survive. Her little body is way too frail.

The scream.

She screams as she falls down, hoping and praying that I would save her, catch her, let her know it's going to be ok

But I don't

I tried my best to go after her and save her but it's too late, her body hit the ground. A pool of blood surrounds the little girls figure as I watch in horror as the color drains out from this child.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." I say barley above a whisper.

Tears flow out from my eyes uncontrollably. This little girl just died, and it is my fault.

I collapse beside her holding her for dear life. I didn't even know her. But she is just too little, she should have way more time to live.

"Y/n? Do you copy?" Tony shouts through the coms. I guess the first few times I missed him.

"Y-yea, I copy." I reply through the sobs.

"Ok, we need help down here on 12th street."

"O-ok. I'll b-be down th-there soon."

I lay the girl down gently and surround her with some dandelions I found near her.

I just want to wake up from this nightmare, this is just a nightmare, it's all in my head, right?...

*Time Skip brought to you by Steve and Bucky going to build-a-bear workshop and making a bear.*

The fight is done, thankfully. We didn't have too many deaths, just a few elderly we couldn't get in a safe place, granted, they died by a heart attack but still a death, and that little girl.. She won't get off my mind.

Everyone finally arrives at home at the Stark Tower.

Steve, Bucky, Nat, Wanda, Clint, Thor, and Bruce go take showers and get washed up.

Tony, Rhodey, Peter, and Vision just go chill on the couch.

I go running to my bedroom sobbing, not wanting to wipe this poor girls blood off of me scared it would hurt her even more.

"Y/n? You ok?" Tony shouts.

I ignore him and head to my room wanting to forget everything and anything that happened today.

I curl up into the fetal position under the soft, warm covers of my bed, still crying over the poor girl I let die

"Y/n? Are you ok? Why are you crying." Steve asks walking in. That was a quick shower.

"Y-yea I'm ok" I lie, wiping my tears and hiding my face in my knees

"Y/n your not ok, you can tell me anything you know."

I sit up to face Steve letting my tears fall from my eyes again.

"T-the little girl! I-I-I let h-her fall a-and d-d-die!" I shout, gasping for air in between words.

"Woah.. woah.. calm down. Not everyone is going to make it. It's not your fault." He cooes letting me cry into his shoulder

"B-but I let h-er die!!!" I scream more

"No, listen. You didn't let her die, letting would be on purpose. This wasn't on purpose, and we both know that. She isn't in pain anymore ok? She isn't suffering, she is in a better place. It's all going to be ok."

I slowly stop crying and fall asleep in his arms. Blood, dirt, and other substances is on my skin but I don't care, I've had a rough day and want to go to sleep, and I do.

That was a terrible ending, also sorry it was depressing. 😂 I'll make some fluffy ones next cause I've been doing a lot of Angyst and just overall depressing stuff.
Until next time my lovely's!
-Lizzy ☺️💕

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