Fights and Resovlments | Loki Laufeyson/Odinson

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Slight Warning:
Abusive Behavior

Another fight broke out between me and Loki. Why? Well cause Loki is way to protective of me and doesn't want me to leave the freaking house.

"I can't let you leave Elizabeth! The human race is scary!" Loki shouts whilst towering me

"Well I know how to defend myself! I am allowed to go out to the world!" I shout back


This argument has been going on for about 30 minutes. He hasn't shouted this badly before. He has never been verbally abusive in any way.

Tears pool in my eyes but I blink them back "You have no right to dictate what I do Loki!"

"You pathetic mortal! You think I have no right, well I do!" He raises up is hand before quickly slamming it across my face leaving a big red mark on my cheek.

I look at him with shock, shock that he shouted at me, shock that he hit me, shock that this is happening at all.

The tears that I blinked back are now running down my face "I'm leaving!! I'm done! I can't do this anymore!" I yell before attempting to storm off.

Key word: Attempting.

He grabs ahold of my hair and yanks me back. "You think you can just leave like that! What did I tell you! You will not leave!"

What once was over protectiveness and caring for my well being, turned into abusiveness and control over me.

"Loki stop! You're hurting me!" I yelp

Loki soon realizes what he is doing and lets go of my hair letting me drop to the floor. He takes a few steps back scared that he will do anything else to the love of his life- correction, what used to be the love of his life

"I'm done!! This is the final straw Loki! You have done it! I understood before but now!! Now! You hurt me, you do realize that!!" I scream at him hot tears still running down my face

"Love, I'm s-"

"Don't you even think about calling me 'Love' and apologizing. We are through" I cut him off

*Time Skip brought to you by Clint and Sam playing with tiny Hawkeye and Falcon figurines*

I finish packing and head to the door. I have don't really know where I'm going but maybe Tony will let me, he would do anything for his little sister, right?

"Elizabeth, I plead to you not to leave me. I am truly sorry!"

I snap around "You're sorry?! No! Sorry doesn't fix this!" I point to the bruise he gave me on my face
"Sorry doesn't fix the fact that you and I fight almost every day over the stupidest of things! Go find another 'pathetic mortal' to toss around with your liking!"

I turn towards the door again and head out, slamming the door behind me. As soon as I do tears fall from my eyes, one by one, each landing somewhere either on my shirt or the ground.

I pull out my phone while walking to call my big brother to see if he would let me stay.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message."

"Tones I need somewhere to stay"

He hears my sniffles through the phone "You ok? Don't you live with Lok- you can stay here." He puts two and two together and realized what happened.

"I'm sending a car over now to pick you up."

"Thanks Tony." My voice cracks a little as I say that

"Hey, your a Stark, cheer up. Do you realize how many heart breaks I've been through?"

I giggle "You have had more women in your life than there are days in the year, don't talk to me about heartbreak"

"Hey hey! You laughed! That's the first step!"

"Alright well your car is here so I'll see you soon."

"Alright, hey, on the way home, cheer up. Your going to be ok"

I hang up the phone and step into the car with all my luggage

*Another Time Skip brought to you by Tony packing Peter a Pb&J sandwich for school cause that is the father figure he is*

I arrive at the Stark tower and rush in forgetting my luggage in the car. I just need someone to talk to

I run up to him and slam into his arms just needing a hug. "Hey your here, so wh- woah, hey. Hey calm down. Shh it's ok." Tony cooes as I cry into his shoulder

He brings me over to the couch and lets me cuddle up next to him. I explain everything that has and did happen while I'm wrapped up in a blanket crying softly.

"Hey, he never deserved you. Your a hot, sweet, and kind woman that any man would be lucky to have. His loss"

I chuckle slightly "You do realize you are talking to your little sister right?"

"Yes I do. And as a big brother, I am going to go kill that little puny god. Listen, he should have never done that to you, that's abuse. That relationship was toxic from the start. You're so much better than him and deserve the world." He says before giving a small peck to the cheek

I nod my head before he heads out the door to do who knows what.
Shortly after Loki's figure appears in front of me.

"And what the crap do you want?" I say with my red puffy eyes, tear stained cheek, and mess of a hair self.

"I came to apologize once more and say goodbye. I know you won't ever forgive me but I am truly sorry. What I did was horribly wrong and I should never treat a lady like that. I understand if you still want to stay apart but I just ask for your forgiveness towards me."

I search his eyes for any lies but I see only the truth. The room stays quiet for a moment as I think of my decision.

"I forgive you Loki, I don't appreciate what you did one bit and it will take time for me to heal after that and I may not be as trusting towards you, but I am willing to try again if you are."

His lips turn upwards forming a giant smile on his face before he runs up to me and kisses me passionately on the lips.

Tony walks in "Hey Elizabeth I couldn't find hi- CMO YOU GUYS! REALLY!"

Hey guys! Sorry this was so long, it was on my mind and I wanted to write it! I hoped you liked this imagine, I rly do!
Toodeloo Lovely's!
                                   -Lizzy ☺️💕

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