Fragile | Mother!Natasha Romaoff

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Little, Skinny, and Fragile, that's me. I've never really had a good immune system so I sick on the weekly. Uncle Steve would tell me about being sick back in the 30's. Even though I am the famous 'Black Widows' daughter, I'm a scrawny little kid, well not 'little kid' as in age but 'little kid' as in I'm the youngest here and I am small and little. It shocks me that a 14 year old kid that is raised by the Avengers is so tiny and frail.

I wake up with a wave of nausea coming over me, I don't even have time to get out of bed and go to the bathroom so I vomit all over the floor. I throw up every last bit that is in my stomach, great, I'm sick.

Ah that's right, that kid at school sneezed on me. Of course.
The retching finally comes to a stop after about what feels like an hour but is actually 3 minuets, thank everything that is good we have wooden floors. I lay back down, my head hitting the pillow causes my head to ache.

"Lila, you alright? I heard noises coming from your room." Mom calls out with a tired voice.

I don't answer seeing as I'm still trying to catch my breath. I hear the door open and I see her walking over to my bed. She sees my pale sickly skin and vomit on the floor and puts two and two together.

"Oh baby, again?"

I nod, to tired and sick to even talk, groan, wine, anything. My stomach, head, eyes, just overall everything hurts so bad and I just want to cry. I'm so tired of being sick almost everyday of my life, it wares me out.

"Alright, I'll go wake Bruce and get him to help heal you." She says kissing my forehead before leaving

Mom has always taken care of me. She will sing Russian lullaby's while I lay in her arms, put on our favorite movies and laugh for ages, just gives me love and caring she never got in her childhood.

"Hey Lila, how you feeling" Uncle Bruce says as he walks in.

"Mmhmerr" I groan, hey I was able to make a sound at least!

"I'll take that as a 'not great' I guess." He chuckles.

I let out this half chuckle half cough, again I made a noise, that never happens.

"I know you don't like it but I need to hook you up to a IV fluid drip to keep you hydrated, by the looks of... this...." he says waving to the pile of vomit next to my bed
"Your not going to keep anything down. I don't think it's anything more than a stomach bug but just to be sure I'm going to take your temperature. You can rest most of the day but I will need you to walk around the tower for at least 20 minutes today."

"O-ok." My voice sounds extremely horse but I did talk.

"Alright, I'll go get everything I need. Want me to bring your mom up?" He asks walking to the door

"I-I-if it's no-not to m-much, t-thanks"

He nods and shuts the door behind him. Ugh, tests here, tests there. Fluids north, fluids east. Every other day I'm sick, no pun intended but I'm sick of it!

Mom walks in and comes to sit on the side of my bed "Hey honey, Bruce told me what's going on. I'm so sor-"

She doesn't even get to finish her sentence before I shoot up in her arms and cry my eyes out.

"Shhh, любовь, calm down." She cooes rubbing my back.

About 5 minutes pass by and I'm asleep in my mom's comforting arms. As she rocks me back and forth I snore lightly.

<<>><<Natasha's POV>><<>><

She is finally asleep in my arms. I feel so bad for my little girl, she has to go through this. Thank god I'm an avenger or else I'm not even sure how I could help her.

A soft knock followed by a door opening makes me startle a bit, yes, even the Russian assassin gets scared at times.

"I was just about to hook her up, is she doing any better" Bruce asks quietly

"Kinda, she let her eyes pour out so she at least made noise unlike last time, but other than that no." I whisper back

He nods walking over with the tray of meds and bags with him "is it ok if I hook her up?"

"Yea, Bruce your fine. Thank you so much."

He smiles "no problem Nat."

I lay Lila down, tuck her in, and pull her arm out from the covers. Bruce sticks the needle in her inner elbow and starts the drip. I just want her to be a healthy normal kid.

"I'll leave you two alone, give her this when she wakes up" Bruce says collecting his stuff and walking off

"Alright, thanks again."

He nods before quietly shutting the door behind him. I lay down and brush the hair out of her face. I soon fall asleep be her side in case anything happens.

♡︎ 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now