Run Away | Peter Parker

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^ Pretend that is the Character and Peter ^

Trigger Warning: Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
"Well I'm your mother! I have control over you!" My mom is mad at me, why you ask? Well it's cause she is an addict and I told her no when she asked me to go get 'the good stuff'. My dad is siding with her, he is constantly drunk. "No! No you don't! Mom I'm almost 16! I can't get you anymore coke! Your an addict!" I shout back. "Don't you dare talk to your mother like that!!" My dad slaps me straight to the face. Dad is abusive, mom can be too but she is more mentally abusive, dad will hit, choke, punch, kick, anything for me to go get their stuff. "I'm leaving to Peter's! Get your own stuff. I can't take this anymore! Every waking moment is draining, did you even want me?!" I shout

I head to my room and slam my door shut. Truth is I have no idea where I'm going. Maybe Peter and May will let me stay at their house. I start packing clothes, books, a charger for my phone, my laptop, headphones, and a sleeping bag in case they say no. Now yes it may look like I'm spoiled, I'm not, I bought these all myself. The school said that you mom and dad need to get you a laptop for school but when I asked, they said no. I needed a phone in case well, I'm a girl, in Queens, you should put two and two together.

I finish packing around midnight, luckily my parents are passed out so I can run out easy. I grab some food and water bottles for the road and head out. My parents won't miss me, they hardly notice me most of the time. As I walk out tears fill up my eyes, it's not like home is any better than the streets. And I'm not really going to miss my parents, they don't care about me.

I call Peter, after a few rings he answers.
"Hey Kayla! What's up?"
"Hey Pete, uh, c-could I stay with you and May f-for a bit? Not sure how long."
"Huh? Why? Not to be rude but you have a home."
"Yea, uh I kinda r-ran away.. Mom an-"
"What?! Where are you? Are you ok? Come to our place, you can stay."
"Ok, thanks. I'll be there in 5."
"No you will be here in a minute"
"Huh, Peter I can't make it th-"

"Peter? W-" Peter shows up in his Spidey costume. "Hey Kayla." Peter says hugging my waist. "Peter, I have way to much stuff, you can't carry me and everything." I gesture to my small suitcase and sleeping bag. "That's no problem, you do know I have super strength!" I roll my eyes in a playful way. "Oh whatever, I can walk myself." I put my hand on my hip and smirk at him. "A girl out in Queens, at midnight, next to an alleyway, yea no that's not happening." I laugh at him being so protective.

"Alright let's go" in one second, his arm wraps around my waist. Thwip We are up in the city, one of my arm's is wrapped around his neck whilst the other one is holding all of my stuff. We fly through the buildings, hitting nothing. About a minute later we make it to the fire escape on his floor. "Thanks spidey." I smile. "Anything for my girlfriend" I roll my eyes playfully, he is always so proud of having me as a girlfriend. I mean I don't mind it, it's sweet just it's funny how much he loves me.

We step inside his room and I put down my stuff, taking it out and putting it on the top of his dresser to sort everything. "Sorry for the last minute thing, I-I any take my parents anymore." I say tearing up a bit. "Hey, it's no big deal, at least your not homeless on the streets." He comes behind me and hugs me, his hands going towards my waits and his chin resting on my shoulder. "Yea, uh I guess" I say as I give a weak smile and putting away my stuff in the drawer that he keeps for me.

I finish putting away everything and get changed in a white crop top and fuzzy pink sweatpants. I go and sit in the edge of his bed as I finish putting my hair in low messy bun. "Does May know I'm here? I-I'll go find somewhere else if sh-" he cuts me off "She doesn't know, Kayla, she loves you. I promise you she will be fine with it, ok?" He walks over to me and sits next to me and gives me cuddles. "A-alright" I say wiping my tears. "Hey don't cry! I don't like when my girlfriend cries." He caresses my face with his warm hand and wipes my tears. "Your going to be ok." He kisses me on the lips. His lips are enticing. Passion, love, and empathy lie deep in the kiss. "I promise."

A knock on the door followed by it being opened by May. "Hey you two, Kayla, whatcha doing here. Don't mind it but just curious." She chuckles. "Uh, I-I kinda r-ran away. Um. P-parents are uh a-abusive you could say. I-if you don't mind, c-could I stay until I get a-a place?" My voice is shaky as I remember my parents. "Awe sweetie, your welcome to stay anytime. If you need absolutely anything, just come and ask me. I'm sorry about your parents, it gets better." She gives me a welcoming smile. "Thank you so much May, you have no idea how much this means to me" I feel better knowing I have someone to protect me, somewhere to stay, food to eat. "Anytime honey, it's getting late you guys should go to bed. Leave the door open tho!" She says as she walks to her room "May!!!! We aren't going to do t-that." Peter blushes hiding his face full of embarrassment. I chuckle at him, he is so cute.

He gets changed out of his Spidey suit and into his pjs. I get into the bed and snuggle up into the covers. A bit later Peter comes in and gets in the bed with me. He wraps an arm around my head for me to lay on whilst the other one wraps around my waist. "You wanna talk about it? Talking about my missions with May helps, especially now that she knows" he asks before kissing the top of my head. "Y-yea. I'll try. So uh. Every day since I could go out alone I uh. I went to go get them c-coke a-and beer. Before I could go out alone I had to either stay in my room or do 'orders' from my parents. I didn't want to tell you a whole lot cause I-I was scared you wouldn't want me anymore."

He gives me a teary-eyed, sorrow filled, shocked look. "K-Kayla.. I- I'm so sorry.."
He gives me a hug pulling me close to his chest. "I-it's ok. I'm with you now."

I fall asleep in his comforting arms. He strokes my long blonde hair, brushing his fingers through my semi-tangled hair. He shuts his eyes and kisses the top of my head once more before he falls asleep.
Hey yall! Sorry that this was super long 😂 I had a lot to write. Also, sorry if this was bad. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Bye my lovely's!!!!!!

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