Reminders Pt. 1 | Tfatws

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TFATWS Episode 2 Spoilers!
If you haven't seen it yet, I advise you to go see it before reading!

This is your warning, don't go down to the comments and complain.

Ok, now that everyone who has seen the episode is here, lets dive in!
Me, Sam, and Bucky are fighting these people, I guess they call themselves 'The Flag Smashers'? To be honest, I don't even know at this point.

Suddenly, the fake Cap comes rushing to our aid, even though we were perfectly fine on our own.

"Sam! John Walker, Captain America!" He shouts, just loud enough for us to hear

"Lemar Hoskins!" His, what appears to be, sidekick introduces himself.

"Looks like you guys could use some help" John shouts

I roll my eyes.
"Not really, you can lea- oh ok, never mind"

The fight breaks out again, John throws the shield, just barley missing Bucky.

The shield

That shield that once belonged to my father. It's in his hands now. My stomach twists and turns at the thought of him gone. Everytime I'm reminded of him in the slightest way, panic corses through my veins. Panic that I can't control.

I try to keep it undercover for the fight, I stay by Bucky's side as much as I can before he starts to hang from the bottom of the bus.

"Bucky!" I shout in fear, not knowing whether or not he's going to make it

I look down and he gives me a weak smile before one of the flag smashers pushes me away and I can't see him anymore.

I'm just trying to keep my body steady on the truck while Sam is flying through the air, and Bucky is hanging onto the truck for dear life

"That little girl kicked your ass" Sam shouts, smiling. I smile too, knowing that's a sign that Bucky is ok

Bucky screams in annoyance and frustration. Oh how it's good to hear that scream

At this point, the panic that once came from John is gone, it's now replaced by fear of Bucky or Sam getting hurt.

I watch as John fires a bullet, something my father would never do.

I see Sam look at me, then Bucky, then back at me. His head tilts in a fast pace, I'm still confused of what he wants me to do. Soon enough, Sam shoots under the two trucks and grabs Bucky, knocking him off the truck and into his body. I see that and jump in the direction of Sam

I roll a couple times before stopping myself, meanwhile, Sam and Bucky are rolling around in a field of flowers like a couple from a movie. I get up and chuckle at them while walking towards them

"Could have used that shield" Bucky groans to Sam

"Get off of me" Sam says, his voice strained.

Bucky rolls off of Sam and they lay there for a second. I meet up to them and stand there with my hands on my hips smirking.

"Those were all super soldiers" Bucky announces to the two of us

"I know, you're welcome by the way" Sam replies

*Time Skip brought to you by Thor learning how to do the whip nae*

We walk on a street, I'm still chuckling about what happened earlier. I mean, how could anyone not!

"Sorry about Redwing." Bucky apologizes

"No your not" Sam quickly answers

"Ya know, you two looked hilarious rolling around in that field" I chuckle

"Yea. It's not like you've mentioned it a few thousand times" Bucky replies

"What's goin on in that big cyborg brain of yours?" Sam questions Bucky

"It's computing" I reply for Buck

"You know what? I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning. Op they're malfunctioning, shutting down! Yep, they're on fire!" Sam continues

Bucky rolls his eyes
"We gotta figure out where the serum's coming from."

"Yeah, and how in the hell after 80 years are there 8 super soldiers runnin' loose?" I butt it

Johns car comes up, great, just what I needed. They honk the horn 2 times before coming up right in front of us.

"So that didn't go as planned, huh?" John tries to talk but fails miserably

They come to a stop and John opens the door to let us in, I make a disgusted look at him while we all continue to walk.

He murmurs something before closing the door and going in front of us again

"Look, at least we know what we're up agains now, huh?" He again tries to make talk "And we're pretty sure it's one of the Big Three, so.."

I roll my eyes, knowing full well they had to have been spying on us cause Sam made that up on the spot, no one says that

"Aliens, Androids, or Wizards?" Sam replies

"Pretty sure" John says with a little more confidence. He's probably on a high knowing he just got to talk with some Avengers

"There's no such thing as wizards!" Bucky shouts

"Alright, then it's aliens or androids"

"-or super soldiers." Sam cuts off John

I take a good look at him and realize he is wearing a knock off version of my dad's uniform. The anxiety creeps back up and my breathing starts to quicken while I fidget with my hands

"Shit. Super soldiers, for real?" Johns sidekick asks

"Yeah." Sam answers

Bucky takes notice of my breathing and fidgeting and hold my hand, giving me a smile that says "you ok? If not then everything will be ok.".

"Wow, alright then we got to work together." John says

"That's not happening." Bucky quickly say, giving me a reassuring squeeze

"I think we stand a much better chance if we all just—"

"Just cause you carry that shield, it doesn't mean you're Captain America" Bucky cuts off John.

Those words. Those two words. Captain, America. Those words do not belong to him.

At this point I'm starting to real out more. My breathing becomes uneven, my hands start to tremble, and tears prick in the corners of my eyes.

"Look, I've done the work, okay?" John tries to make up for himself

"You ever jump on top of a grenade?" Bucky asks

"Yea. Actually, I have. Four times." Johns voice becomes more prideful and that just about angers me.
it's a thing I do with my helmet. It's a reinforced, helmet it's a long story, but, anyw- Look, it's 20 miles to get to the airport. You guys need a ride."

We keep walking, I'm trying my best to ignore his extremely annoying voice.

"Guys. Gary, stop. Get in" John motions for us to get into his car

We stop walking. Bucky looks at me and Sam and nods.
Sorry it's so long. I got an idea and I'm liking how it's going so, yea. Also, I hate John so much. I know this is from the 2nd episode and the 3rn episode came out yesterday but I thought it was good! Let me know how you like it!

Bye bye, lovely's!

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