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After the shoot is finished, you get a text from Jimin.

Jimin: Hey, we're finished with lunch but the crew moved. Which studio number are you at?

Y/N: Studio 3B.

You sigh before hitting send. After hitting send, you look over at Seokjin who's on his lunch break and is now wearing his regular clothes.

Seokjin said to give Yoongi the benefit of the doubt. He never said that you had to let him watch the photoshoot while it's taking place.

After all, he'll still get a view of the scenery, just not Seokjin in his outfit. That's still technically giving him a bit of trust to see the background, which is a start for you considering what Yoongi put you through.

The door opens and you see Jimin and Yoongi walking in. Jimin is smiling so wide that his eyes are crinkled and Yoongi's gums are showing as he smiles. This causes you to subconsciously smile at the interaction between them.

"How was lunch?" you question.

"Great, we were able to talk about how well the music fits with the photoshoot." Jimin states. You glance over at Seokjin who is now standing next to you.

You see the slight suspicion in his eyes before he quickly hides that expression from his face.

"That's great, Jimin-ah." He states before looking between Yoongi and Jimin. "But don't you think your lunch dates should be more romantic rather than business-oriented?" he questions.

"Oh, it wasn't all business." Yoongi immediately says. The speed of his response causes you to grow suspicious of his intentions with Jimin. "There was quite a bit of um..." he drifts off.

This causes Jimin to giggle as he hunches over, covering his mouth.

"A little teasing." Jimin finishes his sentence for him.

This sentence immediately causes you to drop any suspicion.

If he is just using Jimin for business, the two wouldn't be doing anything sexual, that you're 100% sure about.

You nod your head before letting out a soft laugh.

"You two better be careful doing that in public," you state while pointing between the two of them. "As much as I'm interested in trying public sex, it's a crime if you get caught... and you could be put on the predator's list in the police department." You state.

Jimin and Yoongi look at each other, Jimin's ears turning red as he blushes. Yoongi looks down at his feet, scratching the back of his neck while awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, don't worry. We won't get caught." Yoongi mumbles. This causes Seokjin to close his eyes for a few seconds, eyebrows furrowed as he slowly steps away, not wanting to hear the dirty details.

You look at Seokjin and silently agree before shaking your head.

"I don't want to know how you won't get caught, so I'm going to stand by the director so this doesn't get more awkward than it already is." You say before giving a thumbs up and walking towards the director. Jimin lets out a laugh and gently pushes Yoongi's shoulder while Yoongi merely smirks for a second while eyeing Jimin.

You and the director start looking at the pictures that were already taken of Seokjin. This causes you to smile to yourself. The director decides to move away from the camera to get a bottle of water as you stare at the picture.

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