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"Oh my gosh!" you exclaim while shoving Seokjin as he makes a joke about the movie. Your eyes are shut entirely as you laugh so hard that your stomach is hurting. "St-stop, it h-hurts." You say while pointing down at your stomach.

Seokjin smiles over at you, watching as you laugh so hard that your laugh starts becoming shaky and out of breath. The look on his face resembles one of admiration as he stares over at you.

"But why? You're having so much fun." He states while gently poking at your side, causing you to flinch at the sudden contact.

"Oh my g-gosh, don't touch that." You say while gesturing towards the spot he poked. You watch as he lifts an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side.

"Just how much does your stomach hurt, princess?" he suddenly questions, causing your laughter to die down the sound of the tone in voice.


"How much does it hurt?"

"It's... fine now... I guess?" You question while looking over at him, sitting up a little as you rest the weight of your upper body on your forearms as you do so. He smiles at you for a moment as he senses the confusion in your voice.

Your breath gets caught in your throat as you stare at him. He starts leaning forward slowly, his face now serious as he leans in. Your heart speeds up as he starts to lean in.

"Gotcha." He mumbles once your lips are near. If you pucker your lips now, you can easily kiss him.

However, his words confuse you further.

"What?" You open your mouth to ask another question before he starts immediately tickling you, his fingertips pressing into the area you told him not to touch, causing you to instantly flinch at the contact. As you flinch, you allow your body to fold over in an attempt to cover the sensitive area as you start laughing. "N-no!" you exclaim as he tickles you.

"No? But you haven't laughed like this in months." He counterclaims while continuing to tickle you. Your hand reaches out to rest on his as you attempt to stop one of his hands from moving against your skin.

While he's tickling you, your shirt slowly starts riding up, causing his cold fingertips to brush against your skin.

Goosebumps immediately begin to form on your skin.

You gasp at the cold sensation, causing Seokjin to pause his movements as your laughter immediately stops. He gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he stares down at your exposed stomach.

On instinct, you go to pull your shirt down due to the cold weather. His hand immediately stops your hand from doing so as he licks his lips while his eyes meet yours.

"Don't." he mumbles. You bite onto your lower lip and nod, allowing your hands to rest at your sides as you don't break eye contact. He merely stares down at you for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "If I didn't know that Jimin was probably minutes away from tracking your phone to find where you're at, I'd fuck you right now." He states.

You arch an eyebrow before sitting up straight in your seat.

"Oh? Even with all of these people here?" you question while arching an eyebrow.

"Please, there's bound to be a couple in a car here who likes voyeurism." He states. You roll your eyes before nodding your head.

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