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You woke up the next morning in Oscar's apartment. Glancing at the man next to you, you roll your eyes at what happened last night.

That was the most disappointing hook-up you had ever experienced.

To put it shortly, your time with Oscar was short... much like his member.

You quickly stand up, grabbing your pants and slipping them back on.

"Stupid boys with their stupid small penises," you mumble to yourself, huffing as you blow a strand of hair out of your face. You quickly stand up, adjusting your appearance in the mirror for a moment. "Guess I'm going to have to finish myself off when I get home." You sigh before glancing back at the man.

Oscar is passed out on his bed, lying on his stomach. His mouth was hanging open, drool pooling out of his mouth.

"Gross." You mumble before walking towards the door separating his room from the living room. Searching the kitchen for food, you find a bottle of water in the fridge and a pack of croissants lying on the kitchen counter.

Eagerly picking up the croissant, you stuff it into your mouth, rolling your eyes back in satisfaction. After not eating for a couple hours, your stomach was food deprived.

"Hey Os-" a voice says behind you, causing you to widen your eyes, immediately turning around, mouth still stuffed with the croissant. You watch as the tall man eyes you, arching an eyebrow. Swallowing the bit of croissant in your mouth, you gulp, starting to open your mouth to speak to this handsome man. "I'm guessing Oscar was bar hopping and took you home?"

You take this moment to eye him up and down, noticing the sharp jawline of the man standing in front of you. His eyes were a really dark, borderline black, brown and they were burning a hole right through you. He was shirtless, his abs exposed to you, only wearing a pair of black jeans.

"I'm not sure about the bar hopping part," you start before scratching the back of your neck. "But the taking me home part is accurate." The man sighs before nodding his head slowly.

"Not surprised." He rolls his eyes before walking into the kitchen with you. Due to the small size of the kitchen, his chest brushes against you as he slips past you, opening a cabinet to reveal more food. Your eyes widen as you see the muscles in his back flex as he reaches up to grab a box of cereal.

"S-sorry, who are you?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows as you shake your head, attempting to snap yourself out of this trance he has on you.

He turns to face you, placing a bowl on the kitchen table before pouring a large amount of the sugary cereal into it.

"I'm Kai, Oscar's roommate." He states, extending a hand out to you. You nod your head before awkwardly taking his hand in yours, giving a firm shake to his hand. "Sorry, I'm sure you feel awkward... and I'm probably making it worse by being so calm about it, huh?" You nod your head, gulping. This causes a laugh to escape the handsome man's lips as you stare up at him. He softly rubs your back for a moment before stepping past you, making his way to the fridge for the milk.

"So, is this a normal thing here?"

"Pretty much," Kai states as he pours the liquid into his cereal bowl. "Oscar likes going out. However, he's never brought home someone who stays the night." He states before biting into his lower lip, holding in a laugh.

This causes you to become defensive, immediately growing offended by the comment.

"Oh? So, are you hinting that I'm desperate or something?" You ask, arching an eyebrow as you cock your jaw to the side. The man looks over at you, letting out a soft sigh before shaking his head.

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