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"What exactly did you need here again?" You question as you look around the music shop. Your eyes are drawn to the different instruments lying around.

Seokjin is walking around, fiddling with some random instruments every now and then as he tests them out. The only instrument on display that he was good at playing was the piano.

You watch as his long fingers press onto the keys of the instrument while he silently hums to himself.

"Hi there," you merely glance up as you hear a voice echoing throughout the room. Seokjin, however, gets startled, his body jumping slightly as he roughly slams his fingers onto the keys of the piano, causing you to softly laugh. The owner of the voice holds their hands up, indicating that they're not a threat to either of you. Seokjin's wide eyes return to normal as he looks over at the person, sighing with relief. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Can I help you with something?" the man asks as he gestures towards the piano that Seokjin is playing. Seokjin glances down at the piano before looking up at the man.

"Oh, um, yes." He states before stepping away from the piano. "I've been looking for a few things and could really use some recommendations."

"Alright, what do you need?"

"Well," Seokjin looks down at his name tag. "Sicheng-ssi, could you help me find some guitar picks and a tuner for my guitar?" You watch as the man nods his head before leading Seokjin to the guitar section. You decide to follow behind out of curiosity.

"You can just call me Winwin. I like these ones specifically." He states while grabbing a guitar pick as he shows him it. "They're really good at moving smoothly against the strings." Seokjin stares down at the guitar pick as the man shows him the thin object. You watch as Seokjin nods his head before gesturing towards the guitar tuners. Winwin follows behind him as he starts talking to him about the different tuners that they offer.

"Y/N, do you know anything about guitars?" Seokjin questions as he glances up at you. You merely scratch the side of your neck and shake your head.

"Uh, not really. My sister tried teaching me, but I didn't like the calluses on my fingers." You say while laughing softly. Seokjin softly smiles before nodding his head.

"Did she teach you how to tell if a guitar isn't tuned properly?" he asks while tilting his head to the side. You shrug your shoulders.

"I can tell when someone's singing is off but I'm not sure about guitars... why?"

"Do you think you could help me when I tune my guitar later?" You softly smile.

"I can try." He nods his head and gives you a soft smile. Winwin glances over at you before looking over at Seokjin.

"Ah, I see he's the more musical one in this couple?" he teases. Seokjin pauses as he stops looking at the tuner. His ears turn a little red as Winwin looks at him. You immediately jump in to save Seokjin from the awkwardness.

"We're not a couple." You state before glancing around the shop. Winwin lifts his eyebrows while his eyes shift between you two.

"Oh... my bad..." he licks his lips and ruffles his hand through his hair. "I'll... be over there if you guys need more help..." he states before escaping the awkward tension. You look up at Seokjin as you tilt your head to the side.

"I haven't seen a guitar in your room... did you just get one recently?" you ask while tilting your head to the side. Seokjin looks up at you and shakes his head.

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