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You let out a huff as you got out of your car, making your way towards your lawyer's office. Standing tall, you watched as Jimin joined you, standing next to you. He gave you a nervous smile, causing you to place a soothing hand on his shoulder.

It had been a solid month since the incident with Mr. Min, and ever since, he's been harassing you, Seokjin, and Jimin. He kept making poor attempts at blackmailing you into exchanging either Seokjin or Jimin so he could turn them into Kpop stars.

During this time, you had brought home around 9 or 10 men, all of which were not men of importance. Each had tried to make you cum but was unsuccessful in such attempts.

Now, here you are, tired of Mr. Min's blackmail and ready to sue his ass off or get a restraining order. If you could have it your way, you want both.

Strutting into his office, you place the recording of Mr. Min threatening to leak your new product, along with phone records, and emails that he had continued to spam you with.

Your lawyer looks up at you, eyebrows lifted before adjusting his glasses.

"Are these all the records of Mr. Min's harassment and blackmail attempts?" You nod your head, letting out a sigh of frustration as Jimin's work phone starts ringing. Jimin looks over at you and gives you a look of worry. You simply give him a small smile. "And he's still calling?" You and Jimin nod simultaneously before he lets out a laugh. You arch a brow while staring at him.

"What's so funny, Mr. Lee?" He simply smiles at you before standing up, letting out a soft cough as his laughter dies down.

"What's funny is how easy of a case this will be," he says before pointing towards Jimin's phone. Jimin hands him the phone with a curious look on his face. He silences the loud ringing before handing the phone back to him. "He isn't even trying to hide the fact that he's harassing you. You'll have a restraining order within days."

"I'm glad to see that you still exude the confidence that you had the last time I saw you, Mr. Lee," You say with a smile. "But, I do have another favor to ask."

Mr. Lee looks up at you with raised eyebrows.

"A favor?"

"You'll be representing three clients in this case, Mr. Lee," you say as you sit down on the chair across from his at his desk, pulling out information about Seokjin and Jimin. "You see, he's been harassing not only me, but my staff as well. Apparently he has a history with my chef, Mr. Kim Seokjin. He's been trying to recruit him for a Kpop group that Seokjin wants no part of. Since he declined the offer, he's been trying to get Mr. Park Jimin, my right hand man to fill that spot instead."

He furrows his eyebrows as he examines the large pile of emails that have been sent to Seokjin and Jimin. He stacks the pile onto your share of emails and phone call records before coughing.

"I've never represented this many people in one case before," he says with a stern look on his face. "However, I don't want you thinking I'm incapable of representing the three of you. Though I lack experience, I can handle a case with this much evidence against the opposing side." A smile spreads across your lips as you nod your head.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin couldn't make it to the meeting today due to him not seeing the seriousness of this situation. Apparently since Mr. Min has been doing this for a while now, he's grown used to it and no longer sees it as dangerous," You cross your arms and lean back in the chair. "I, however, see this as a very serious situation."

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