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"Jimin?" you ask while knocking on his door.

"Yeah?" he asks as he looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed at the tone of your voice. He then slowly starts to stand up from his bed as he makes his way towards you, worry present in his face. "What's wrong?"

"One of my old hookups somehow found out where I live and he's freaking me out." You say while biting on your lower lip as you pretend to be scared. His eyes immediately widen.

"What?" he rushes towards his closet, sliding it open as he takes one of his jackets off its hanger to slip it on over his plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. "I'll handle it. You stay here. If I need backup, I'll text Jin and he'll help me get rid of him."

Shit, that lowered the amount of time you have with Jin.

You nod your head, pretending to be okay with that and watch as Jimin rushes down the stairs. He pauses on one of the steps and looks back at you, pointing his finger.

"I mean it, Y/N. Don't go outside, this guy could be dangerous." He states before continuing to rush down the stairs, opening the door as he runs down to where Oscar is.

You watch and make sure he's a good distance away and you rush to your room, which is where Seokjin is.

"He's gone," you state, causing Jin's eyes to light up as you rush towards him on the bed, plopping onto his lap as you start undoing his shirt. "We have to make this a quickie though. He said if Oscar gives him a hard time, he's going to call for backup... and that backup happens to be you, unfortunately."

"Should've said I wasn't home." He scolds before his lips attach to yours, his hands eagerly gripping onto your hips. He squeezes your waist, his lips moving hungrily with yours as you let out a soft moan against his lips. You start grinding your hips down on his as you finally get his shirt over his head and he starts greedily taking your clothes off as well.

You're now in just your matching bra and panties as you grind down on him, letting out a string of moans as Jin's plump lips make their way down your neck. He sucks and bites on your neck as you grind down on him, your hips moving in circular motions as you feel his hard member through his pants rubbing up against you.

You let out a sigh of pleasure as Jin suddenly pulls the two of you further onto the bed, gripping tightly at your hips as he starts guiding you while you grind on his lap.

"Fuck..." he groans out before shaking his head, lips detaching from your collarbone. "That's enough teasing, Y/N. We don't have time for that." He states as he pushes you onto the bed, eagerly taking off your matching underwear set, licking his lips as his eyes scan your body.

He pins your hands down on the bed as he starts making his way down your body, his lips immediately pressing against your inner thigh as he eagerly places your legs onto his shoulders. You stare down at him, eyes wide as he smirks up at you.

"You look so cute like that, princess." He teases while staring up at you, his warm breath hitting your inner thigh as he leans forward, his tongue softly gliding along your folds as your body immediately responds, arching your back as you keep your eyes locked on him, nodding your head as you watch him moving his tongue up your folds, spreading your wetness along your folds. "Mmm..." he lets out a soft moan as he stares up at you, gripping onto your thighs with his long fingers.

"Oh... shit." You feel shivers run throughout your body as his plump lips wrap around your sensitive clit, eagerly sucking on the area while keeping his eyes locked on you for a moment. The cold air coming from the air vents above you in your room causes goosebumps to form on your skin which counteracts with the heat radiating off of your body from Seokjin's touch.

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