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"Is everyone sleeping?" you whisper while sitting down on Seokjin's bed. He glances out his door to the hallway to look outside, head turning to his left then right before he quickly backs away from the door. He shuts the door behind him as he nods his head before rushing towards you, quickly attaching his lips to yours. Pulling your body towards his at the edge of the bed, his fingertips press onto your waist as his plump lips move with yours.

You let out a soft moan as he moves his hands to grip onto your ass, causing your body to jump from the sudden movement.

"I've been wanting to do that since this morning." He mumbles on your lips before pulling away from your lips, tugging your bottom lip between his as he pulls away. You slip out from underneath him, your leg stepping over his so that you can get behind him. You slip to the side before placing a hand on his shoulder as you stand behind him, turning him around to face you. He immediately plops onto the bed as you climb on top of his lap, straddling him as he leans back against the bed, arms holding himself up. Staring up at you, he nods his head. "Hm... I'm subbing today?" he asks, causing you to smirk and nod your head.

He fully sits down on the bed as you place both hands on his shoulders, allowing your clothed core to press onto his member through his jeans. Your lips immediately press onto his as you allow your hands to trail down his broad shoulders to his forearms before wrapping your hands around his wrists. Moving your hands behind your back, you take his with you before placing his on your waist, letting go as your hands go back to his shoulders.

"Fuck..." he moans out before tightening his grip around your waist. You roughly push down his shoulders, making his torso straighten as he lays on the mattress. Your hands trail down his chest down to his thin waist as you start fiddling with his belt. As you eagerly work at his belt, your hips grind down against his.

You remove your lips from his, leaving his pink lips even plumper than they were before. He bites onto his lower lip as you finally get his belt undone. One hand begins working at his jeans while one reaches up to rest on his slender neck. Your thumb and fingertips brush along the sides of his neck before you fully rest your palm against his neck. He stares up at you, eyes filed with excitement as you rest your hand teasingly against his neck, not yet choking him.

The excitement and need in his eyes spark something in your core as you stare down at him. Biting onto your lower lip, your hips start grinding down against his. He reacts immediately to the movement of your hips, inhaling a sharp breath as you can feel his member beneath his jeans straining against the material.

"You're so hard for me, Jin." You smirk down at him before leaning down to press your lips against his collarbone that's exposed through the V-neck of his shirt. As you trail your lips against his collarbone and kiss your way up, you lower your hand to the lower part of his neck. Your lips trace along the spot directly under his collarbone. You tease him for a few seconds by breathing with your mouth open against his skin before fully pressing your lips to the exposed area.

He lets out a moan, causing you to smirk against his skin before you gently brush your teeth along his neck. Feeling the goosebumps forming on his skin causes you to part your lips a little wider. You allow your tongue to gently trace along the area, which causes him to involuntarily thrust his hips upwards.

Your free hand moves down to press against his crotch beneath you as you lift your hips from his, holding his hips down.

"Nuh uh..." you mumble against his neck before kissing along his jawline. Once you reach his ear, you gently bite onto his earlobe before tightening your hand around his neck. His member twitches in his jeans. "Don't be so eager. You're under my control. Keep still or I'll have no choice but to be a tease." You state.

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