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You arch an eyebrow as Seokjin leads the way into a fast food restaurant.

"A fast food restaurant?" you ask while looking around. He turns back at you and nods his head. "Why?" You watch as he stops walking and merely lets his arms hang loosely.

"You wanted a simple date, didn't you?" you narrow your eyes at him while looking around the fast food joint.

"I wanted a normal date. One where the guy doesn't feel obligated to spend a lot of money on me."

"And this is exactly that, isn't it?" you look up at the menu, a specific menu item catching your eye: a double-stacked burger. Two patties, a bun in between, toppings, and a bunch of sauce oozing down the side of the burger. You open your mouth to reply before Seokjin interrupts you. "I can tell by the look in your eye that I'm right." He states while laughing. You gently nudge him before making your way to the counter.

"Just for that, I'm ordering even more food." You grumble under your breath as you shove past Seokjin and make your way towards the register. He laughs as you shove your way past him, sneakily eyeing your figure as you saunter to the register.

"Be my guest." Seokjin responds before letting out a soft laugh.

You approach the counter and lean against the counter, placing your forearm against it as you eye the man's name tag.

"Hi... U-Kwon? Get ready, because we've got a big order." You state with a devilish smile on your face.


You're now carrying two bags of food while Seokjin holds one in his arm, using his other hand to dig into his pocket for his car keys.

"I thought we'd be eating inside that place."

"Oh please, if I made you do that, we both know you would've complained." He responds, merely rolling his eyes. You shrug your shoulders, knowing he's right.

Cheap food? You don't mind if it tastes good.

Other people watching you eat so much that sauce and pieces of food are hanging out of the side of your mouth? Not a fan.

"So, if we're not eating in the restaurant... where exactly are we eating?" you question while looking at Seokjin as he unlocks the car.

"Right here." He gestures to the car. You furrow your eyebrows at the car door that he's gesturing at before you look up at him.

"I'm all about simple tonight, but-"

"You really need to go with it, Y/N." he states before laughing. He opens the car door on your side before gesturing for you to get inside.

Better than no date at all though...


You hop into the car and sit down, leaning the seat back a little as you prepare to eat. Seokjin gets into the car and sits down in the driver's seat, adjusting the seat so it's farther back away from the steering wheel to give him room to eat.

"Here's your food." Seokjin states as he hands you the bag. You nod your head, an awkward smile on your face.

Maybe no date would have been better.

"Oops, almost forgot." Seokjin states before lowering his arm to start the car. "Seatbelt, princess." He states, pausing his movements so you can put your seatbelt on.

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