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Once you two get home, you and Seokjin have your hands all over each other and you're pressing your lips against his. You let out a soft moan before reaching your hand down between the two of you. You move it towards the front of his jeans and start sliding down the zipper on his pants.

"Whoa," Seokjin mumbles against your lips, a wide smile on his face as he pulls away from the kiss. "Don't you think you should take my shirt off before you start going straight to that?" he questions.

You roll your eyes as you open your eyes to see him pulling away from the kiss.

"What? You act like we've never had clothed sex before." You say before lifting your eyebrow as you stare up at him. He lets out a soft laugh before shaking his head.

"Oh, I know we have, but it's hard to give you my all with a sweaty shirt sticking to my chest while I'm fucking you." He states. You let out a soft laugh before gently nudging his shoulder.

"Okay, fine." You state before moving your hands so you can rest them on his shirt. You start lifting the material off of his body while staring up at him. He stares down at you before leaning down to press his lips against yours once the shirt is above his head and sliding off his arm.

You pull away quickly before biting onto your lower lip. Placing your hands on his shoulders, you stare up at him before smiling.

"Wait here. I have something I wanna show you." You state before immediately making your way towards the stairs.

He watches as you make your way up the stairs.

Once you make it to your room, you step towards the closet and pull out the box from the bottom of your closet.

"Time for you to shine." You mumble to yourself before lifting the top of the box.

You stare down at the baby pink lace. Biting onto your lower lip, you lift the lingerie and then hold it in front of yourself in the mirror for a few seconds before smirking.

After getting changed, you make your way down the stairs, hand dragging along the railing as you make your way down.

You look to the side and see Seokjin staring up at you before smirking as you see the way his jaw drops at the sight of you.

"Whoa..." he mumbles. This causes you to smile widely as you step off the last step before stepping towards him as you wrap your arms around his neck, getting on your tippy toes to kiss him.

His eyes stare down at you.

You're wearing a baby pink bralette with some strings that trace over the top of your breasts and more strings that trace along your ribs. The thong portion of the lingerie has a nice lace pattern that has Seokjin nearly drooling.

You grin up at him before pressing your lips against his once again. You two start making out while your hands rest against his chest. He eagerly pulls your body closer to his as you press up against him.

"You look..." he mumbles against your lips before letting out a soft groan as your hand sneakily drifts down towards the bulge in his jeans. "Whoa." He lets out which causes you to smirk against his lips.

You pull away from the kiss while biting onto your lower lip. You glance up at him before speaking.

"Maybe we should take this upstairs." You state before reaching down to take his hand in yours as you lead the way towards the stairs.

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