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You're now at the photoshoot location, watching as the makeup and wardrobe teams start getting Jin ready for the photoshoot.

You smile as you watch him talking with the new director about the images.

"He looks good, huh?" Jimin asks while standing next to you.

"Always does." You say while licking your lips.

"So, Y/N, are you two already making plans for when you're finished with the company?" Jimin asks suddenly. This causes you to furrow your eyebrows while looking over at him.

"Um, what do you mean?"

"Like when you're ready to retire." He states. "Have you two had the talk about how concerned you are with the company?" he asks.

"He's already well aware of that, Jimin." You state. "For once, I'm not even worrying about the future. I trust Jin and I know whatever the hell we end up doing, it's because we care about each other." You state.

Jimin nods his head before giving you a small smile.

"I'm so relieved that you and Jin-hyung are so comfortable with each other now." He states. "I'm glad you're happy." He states.

You smile and nod your head.

"Honestly, me too." You state. "I haven't felt like this about a guy in a while."

And that was true. You haven't felt like this. Ever since your ex-boyfriend decided to become sexist the minute you wanted to create your own business, you refused to let anyone that close to you. You refused, at the time, to trust anyone.

Jimin gently puts his hand on your shoulder and gives you a smile, crinkling his eyes as he looks at you before making his way towards where Yoongi and Seokjin are.

He begins helping them with the concept of the photoshoot and tells the makeup team other information they need to know about the photoshoot so they can match the aesthetic.

You're relieved that Jin changed your perspective of men.

Before, men were people that you thought wanted to tear your dreams away from you.

"Sorry I'm late boss!" you hear from the door. You look over and see Eric. This causes you to immediately narrow your eyes in his direction.

Speaking of men taking your dreams away from you.

"Cut!" You yell, causing everyone to stop what they're doing. You gesture for Yoongi and Jimin to step in front of Seokjin to hide the concept of the photoshoot. "What the hell are you doing here?" you ask him.

He looks at you with shock evident in his eyes.


"Oh, sorry. Was I speaking too fast?" you ask. "I said 'what the hell are you doing here.'" You say.

"Helping with the photoshoot."

"No you fucking aren't." you say before pointing towards the door. "You're leaving."


"I'm not a fucking moron. I know you leaked our last photoshoot to the public." You say. This causes Eric's shoulders to drop and his face becomes pale.

"Boss, I-"

"Why are you still talking?" Taehyung says as he steps into the room wearing grey business pants, a long sleeve white button-up, and a matching grey business vest. "Y/N said you're leaving, so leave. You're fired."

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