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You're currently in your office at work, sorting through the financial statements and checking on the profitability of your company. You have your brows furrowed, eyes growing tired from scanning the numerous numbers of your statements. You close your eyes tightly and reach a hand up to refocus your eyes on the numbers. Your right hand finds its way up towards your head as you rest it gently on your temple, starting to gently massage your fingertips against your temple.

A knock at the door disturbs your train of thought, causing you to sigh deeply. You shut your eyes once more and look up at your door, both hands now massaging at your temples.

"Come in." You grumble before pushing the large stack of papers away from you.

Someone begins opening the door slowly as you look up at them. You merely stare up at the door and wait for the person to fully enter the room.

Jimin has the day off today so your backup assistant had to fill in for him, causing you to grow cautious as she peeks her head into your office with a nervous smile on her face.

"Hi, Miss Y/N," she pushes open the door a little further and hesitantly rests her hand on the door.

You never understood why some of your assistants are so afraid of you. You're a pretty fair boss compared to the other people in this industry. Never once have you yelled at an employee or fired them without reason.

Perhaps it's your closed off demeanor. Possibly it's your lack of emotion towards employees unless you're expressing gratitude towards them. Or maybe your lack of willingness to joke around with anyone in the office except Jimin.

"Miss Y/N?" She questions, causing your head to shake as you snap out of your thoughts.

"Sorry. Is everything okay?" You question. She nods her head before she gestures behind her with her eyes.

"There's someone here who would like to meet with you."

"Do they have an appointment?" Your eyebrow arches.

"No, but he's here to discuss your need for advertising. He works with art and said he's willing to help you redesign the packaging of some older products to improve sales."

"Is he a professional artist?" You rest both elbows on your desk as you look up at her. She glances down at the floor as she rests her index finger on her wireless headset that rests in her ear.

"Is he a professional artist?" She repeats your question to the front desk of the building. Nodding her head, she looks up at you, removing her hand from the headset. "He's pretty successful. He's very well known in Daegu."

You inhale deeply as you glance down at the desk. What the hell.

"Bring him in." You state before neatly piling up the papers again as you set them to the left side of your desk.

After a few minutes, your assistant moves away from the door to allow the guest to step in. You're not paying attention as you shuffle for a notepad in your desk to take notes on the person.

A tall figure appears in front of the door, slowly shutting the door behind him as he slowly turns to face you. You're now sitting up straight, eyes locked on the man as he walks into the room.

"Good afternoon, Miss Y/N-" he states before pausing as his eyes land on you. It's almost as if your eyebrows are rockets, launching up rapidly as you get a view of his face as well. "Y/N... as in Seokjin's boss." He states.

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