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You let out a soft sigh and get up from your couch, growing tired of watching Legally Blonde. Deciding that this movie wasn't helping you feel better at all, you get up and make your way towards the double doors leading to the kitchen. Sticking your head in the gap between the two doors, you smile softly over at Jimin and Seokjin still sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey guys," you watch as their heads turn to face you. "The movie isn't really helping me feel better, so I think I'm just going to head to a bar or something." You state.

You watch as Jimin glances over at Seokjin momentarily, a bit of concern in his eyes before he looks back over at you.

"Are you planning on coming back here tonight or are you staying out until tomorrow?" he questions. You shrug your shoulders before licking your lips.

"I plan on coming back tonight but I'll keep you both updated." You state. Jimin nods his head slowly before going back to looking at his phone.

"Okay, make sure you're safe." He speaks. You nod your head, ready to turn around to start getting ready to go to a bar.

"Hey, Y/N?" you glance back up and see Seokjin staring over at you.


"I've actually been meaning to ask you something," he shyly scratches the back of his neck. "I've been living here for a while now and haven't really gone out to see any of the places near your house except the grocery store... would you mind taking me with you to show me some of the nearest bars and stores? I promise I'm a really fun person to drink with." He looks over at you with hopeful eyes.

"Oh..." your eyebrows lift with shock for a moment. "I mean... sure. Go get dressed and we'll head out." You state before giving him a soft smile.

Making your way upstairs, you glance down at the spare clothes you were going to bring with you to prevent the walk of shame tomorrow morning. You shake your head and place the clothes back into your closet before getting dressed for your night out with Seokjin.

You decide to wear a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of black sneakers. You put on a baby pink hoodie and decide to tie your hair up, leaving some of the stray hairs hanging beside your face to frame your face shape.

Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you tilt your head to the side before nodding as you put on a pair of hooped earrings to look like you somewhat tried to look good.

Sighing, you make your way out of your room and down the stairs while you wait downstairs for Seokjin to finish getting ready.

After a few seconds, you see him coming down the stairs with a black hat covering his hair, a pair of light blue jeans with holes in the knees, a pair of white sneakers and a loose, white V-neck t-shirt that accentuates his broad shoulders.

On his way out, he grabs his black bomber jacket hanging on the coat rack and slips it onto his arms as you stare over at him. He catches you staring and nods his head towards the front door.

"Ready?" You nod your head and follow behind him as he opens the front door for both of you.


You and Seokjin are sitting at the bar together, drinks in hands as you talk while drinking.

Seokjin can surprisingly handle his alcohol well for someone with such a skinny frame.

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