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It's been two days since Christmas. Lisa, Hyunjin and Christian went back home yesterday. Your parents called you and said that their flight ended up getting cancelled because of the weather conditions. Because of this, they're going to be stopping by today.

As much as you hate the tensions in the family, you know that this is for the better.

Seokjin's preparing a Christmas dinner filled with ham, mashed potatoes, cider, and a special dessert. Jimin is sitting at the dining table, elbows on the table as he texts someone again.

"Jimin, please don't put your elbows on the table when my parents get here." Jimin lifts his head and looks up, plump lips formed into an 'o' shape as he stares up at you.

"Yes, eomma." He teases. You roll your eyes and then step behind him, causing him to make it obvious that he's hiding the person he's texting from you as he places his phone face down on the table. You lean down and whisper into his ear.

"You're lucky I'm not you're eomma, Jimin." You tease back before reaching your hand down to pinch one of his plump cheeks as you let out a soft laugh. Seokjin glances back at you two and lets out a soft laugh before shaking his head. You let go of him and stand up before turning to Seokjin. "By the way, Seokjin, my parents are really conservative. I know you're already really polite with everyone who's come to the house, but you might have to be extra polite. My parents are probably going to be pissed off that Lisa isn't here anymore to celebrate Christmas."

"Lisa really hates them that much?" You nod your head, shrugging your shoulders.

"I didn't really need to mention anything because we didn't have any alcohol in the house the last time Lisa was here, but in college, she used to drink a little too much." You state.

"Too much? As in alcoholic?"

"Recovered alcoholic." You correct. Seokjin nods his head. "But anyways, my parents kinda... treat her differently because of it."

"Yeah, every dinner always ends up with an argument between them." Jimin chimes in. You glance at him before nodding your head.

"It's either that or I end up leaving early for work which makes Lisa leave the kitchen before my parents can even say anything to her." You state. Jimin nods along.

"If Lisa's a recovering alcoholic, isn't it a bad idea for her to be friends with you, Jimin? You love alcohol." Seokjin quietly asks. Jimin rolls his eyes.

"I've been friends with Y/N forever and during my entire friendship with Y/N, I've been friends with Lisa too. I don't touch alcohol around her." He states.

When Seokjin is about to ask more questions, you hear the doorbell. Your shoulders tense up a little and you take a deep breath before heading towards the double kitchen doors.

"You two. Please, please, please behave. Please."

"We got it." Jimin dismisses your statement with his hand. You look over at Seokjin who nods his head, agreeing with Jimin. You take another deep breath and exit the double kitchen doors, making your way towards the front door. You open the front door and smile at your parents.

Your father merely steps into the house, giving no greeting or hug when he enters. As you expected.

Your mom gives a small smile before stepping in and removing her shoes by the front door.

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