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It's been about two weeks since your last hookup. You had been trying to satisfy your own needs which worked out a few times, until you eventually grew sick of doing it yourself. This annoyance of doing it yourself led to your heels clicking onto the pavement outside of a nightclub, ready to enter.

"Whoa there, Miss. ID?" You rummaged through your bag before letting out a soft sigh as you handed the thin plastic towards the guard. His beady eyes skimmed through the information on your ID as you wrapped your arms around yourself, warming up your upper arms using your hands as you did so. As you exhaled, a small puff of smoke escaped your lips in the cold air. "Alright, you're good to go."

Shoving your ID back into your bag, you step into the club, sitting down at the bar as you ordered yourself your favorite drink, letting out a slight sigh. You take a large sip of the drink before placing the glass back onto the bar top. Your eyes meet the pair that had already been staring at you. A set of pearly whites expose themselves at you.

"Long day at work?" The pair of eyes ask. You take this time to notice the rest of the features on his face. He's cute. You slowly tilt your head to the side before it clicks in your mind that you were still dressed in work clothes from head to toe.

"Oh! Yeah. It was quite a stressful day." You huff out before taking another swing of the drink. You weren't lying. It was a hard day for you, seeing as you were constantly running back and forth in your company. After all, running your own skincare business isn't exactly the easiest job out there.

"Damn, want me to buy you another drink then?" he asks, smiling over at you. You arch a brow before tilting your head to the side as you think.

"Well, I don't even know your name, and I don't accept drinks from strangers. But thank you for the offer." you state before taking another sip of your drink. You felt him staring from the corner of your eye which caused you to roll your eyes for a moment as you spared him another glance.

"Damn, a cold one, huh?" he lets out a laugh before he moves a little closer, still remaining respectful of the space between you two. "I'm Isaac. What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." you state bluntly before turning your body to face him.

"The feeling's mutual." You smile at him and his persistence as he tries to hold the conversation. He responds to your smile by smiling wider as he then continues speaking. "So if I can't buy you a drink can I at least talk to you for a while?" You nod your head before glancing down at your watch.

"Yeah, I have time to kill anyways."


After talking with Isaac for a bit, you realized he wasn't the type of guy you'd want to have in bed. You started to get ready to head out of the bar.

"Well, Isaac. It was nice meeting you, but I should start heading h-"

"Y/N?" Your eyes widen at the voice coming from behind you. You slowly turn around and see your ex-boyfriend from college. He was the reason you almost didn't become successful with your own business.

Immediately, a bitter smile spreads across your face as you see your ex-boyfriend.

"Hi." You say. Your eyes drift to the girl next to him, causing you to clench your teeth behind your tightly sealed lips. You then glance back at your ex who gives you a surprised look.

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