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The next morning, you let out a soft sigh as you wake up in your bed. Reaching your arms out, you stretch your muscles before lifting your upper body from your bed and sitting up straight. You cross your legs and glance to your left, seeing the sunlight peeking through the window.

You squint your eyes and reach a hand up to shield yourself from the light before swinging your legs off the bed and quickly getting ready for the day.

The photoshoot starts in 3 hours and you have to make sure that everyone is ready.

You head to the bathroom and use the restroom, brush your teeth and wash your face before beginning to put your makeup on for the day. You apply some concealer to the areas that need it along with some cream blush and a highlighter. Once this is done, you use your eyebrow pencil and fill in the gaps in your eyebrows before applying some mascara and lip gloss.

You then rush back into your bedroom and get dressed into one of your Chanel work outfits before making your way downstairs. You quickly run your fingers through your hair and push through the double kitchen doors.

Once you make it into the kitchen, you look to your right and see Seokjin at the stove, preparing breakfast for everyone. He's already dressed in a pair of light blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pink and red flannel.

"Good morning, princess." Seokjin states before looking over at you. His eyes scan your outfit before he smiles to himself. "You look cute." This causes you to smile before you step towards him, pressing your lips against his. You watch as his eyebrows scrunch up once you kiss him. "Ah, you're wearing lip gloss?" he questions. You nod your head.

"Does it taste good?" he nods his head and licks his lips once you pull away from the kiss. "Anyways, good morning. Are you ready for a long day of photoshoots?" you question. He nods his head before gesturing to his outfit.

"Is this okay?" he questions.

"The wardrobe team has your outfit anyway so that's fine." You respond before looking down at the pan that's sitting on the stove. You arch an eyebrow as you stare down at it. "Mm, breakfast sandwiches?"

He nods his head before gesturing towards the double kitchen doors.

"Yeah, I figured it'd be the easiest breakfast to grab and go in case we end up having to rush." He states. You smile up at him and nod your head before reaching your hand up to fix his hair a little bit.

"I love your brain." You state before stepping away from him. "Do you know who else is awake?" you question. He shakes his head.

"I haven't seen anyone awake yet." He states. "I'd go check on Jimin and Yoongi because I think those two did a little fooling around last night." He points his spatula at you. You roll your eyes and let out a soft laugh before nodding your head.

"Alright, I'll go check on them." You're ready to walk out of the double kitchen doors before you pause and turn to him, pointing a finger in his direction. "I will have a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit breakfast sandwich please." You say. He pauses and looks over at you before placing his hand on his hip.

His eyebrow is now arched as he stares at you.

"You think I don't know what you want?" you grin at his words before rolling your eyes.

"Just reminding you, babe." You say before stepping out of the double kitchen doors.

On your way out, you see your father making his way towards the front door.

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