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Letting out a sigh of exhaustion, you toss your bag onto your couch, letting out a soft sigh before walking towards the kitchen. You had an exhausting day at work and just want to relax with a nice, unhealthy burger prepared by your favorite chef.

Once opening the kitchen doors, you widen your eyes to find pans lying on the floor, eggs thrown at the walls and your chef breathing heavily, looking disgruntled. You slowly step into the kitchen and let an awkward clear of your throat echo throughout the kitchen.

She slowly turns around, her throat tightening as she gulps audibly. You stare in her direction as she takes a deep breath before standing tall in her spot, chest puffed out, exuding confidence.

You lift your eyebrows in shock as you look around the room, taking in the chaotic sight.

"Miss Y/N," her sudden words catch you off guard as you look back at her. She closes her eyes for a moment as she lets out a huff, crossing her arms. "I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?" You ask as you look around the kitchen, eyes bewildered by the mess. "Mess up my kitchen?!"

"You're always constantly making me cook not only for you, but for these pigs that you choose to bring into your home!" She exclaims, referring to the man you had asked her to prepare breakfast for.

"Pigs?" You let out a laugh before you shake your head, looking down at the ground. You spot your chef's favorite pan lying on the floor by your foot. You lean down, picking up the pan before pointing it towards her direction. "I'm not forcing you to work here. This is all voluntary. If you don't want to work for me or cook for these so called 'pigs' that I bring home, you can quit." You say, a hint of authority in your voice.

Her eyes widen, taken aback by your words. Perhaps she expected you to beg for her to stay, expected you to show some dependence towards her. She takes a deep breath, nodding to herself in disappointment as she walks towards you, grabbing her favorite pan from your hand and walking towards the swinging doors of the kitchen.

"You can just mail me my last paycheck." She says before stepping out of the kitchen. You stand in your kitchen, still gawking at the mess spread throughout your kitchen. You inhale sharply before placing your thumb and index finger around the bridge of your nose. You hear footsteps next to you, followed by a gasp. You nod your head before looking up and making eye contact with Jimin, your trusted secretary in charge of helping you with your company and home life. He slumps his shoulders before nodding politely as he walks to the closet, pulling out some cleaning supplies. He grabs ahold of the mop handle and begins mopping at the eggs on the floor.

You still never understood why Jimin would always clean up the messes the previous chefs would leave. You have a maid, but Jimin always cleans the messes before she even gets the chance to. All without you asking him to do so.

"I'm guessing this means Mina quit?" He asks, brows furrowed as he cleans the mess. You scratch the back of your head as you nod slightly.

"Yeah. It's a shame. She made really good steak." You say, your stomach growling as you think about the perfect medium-rare cooked steak seasoned to perfection. Jimin senses your hunger before biting into his lower lip. He looks over at you before parting his plump lips to speak.

"You know, a good friend of mine is a chef," he starts off before he holds the mop at this side by the handle, leaning against the thin wooden stick as he continues speaking. "He makes the best steak and seafood."

Your eyes light up at his words, your head snapping in his direction as he lets out a soft laugh.

"Really?" You ask. Once he starts to nod his head you slap your hands together and intertwine your fingers. You put your best puppy dog face on, jutting out your lower lip as you stare at Jimin. "Can you please please please ask if he'd be willing to work for me?"

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