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"Damn it!" you scream out once your character dies. You lean back against the chair and remove your fingers from Seokjin's keyboard. Swiveling the chair to look at him, you let out a frustrated sigh. "Now I get why you were yelling." He lets out a soft laugh and nods his head.

"Not so easy, is it?" You merely shake your head and he stands up from his bed, making his way towards the chair. Gesturing for you to move, you comply, and he sits down on his gaming chair. "Here, let me try."

You take a seat where he was previously sitting and take the time to glance around his room again.

He's added more personal touches to his room. There's now an alpaca plushie on his bed, his bed sheets are a soft pink shade, and he's added some Mario and Kirby collector items on his shelves.

You smile to yourself for a moment as you glance around his room before turning to him.

"Jin?" you question quietly. He has his eyes glued to the screen as he focuses on the video game.

"Hm?" he mumbles.

"You like Mario and Kirby?" you question. You hear the sound of his fingers tapping against the keyboard.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I have a larger collection in my parents' house, but I brought some of my collection to make my room feel more comfortable." He states before aggressively tapping his fingers on the keyboard. "No!" he exclaims before pushing his chair away from the desk, slapping his hand against the desk. He lowers his head and covers his face before sliding his palms down his face.

"Yah! Don't rub your face like that. You'll get wrinkles." You state. Seokjin merely turns to face you, eyes narrowed. "What? Just because you lost too doesn't mean your skin should suffer as well." You shrug before glancing down at your nails.

Seokjin in the meantime looks over at the clock and widens his eyes.

"Oh no," he states before getting up from his chair quickly. "It's already ten? I have to cook breakfast for Jimin." He immediately begins heading towards the door.

Stopping at the doorway, he slowly turns around to face you, noticing that you're still sitting on his bed. You're staring up at him in the doorway as he opens his mouth to say something before shaking his head. He points towards the computer on his desk.

"Don't beat this level without me." He states before pointing at you. There's a stern look on his face as he speaks. You merely wave a hand at him dismissively and nod.

Your response causes him to lean against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I mean it."

"Yeah, yeah. I won't touch the game until you get back." He nods his head before walking out of his room.

You glance around the room once more and shift uncomfortably for a moment before choosing to leave his room.

As you make your way to your room, you notice some cramps forming in your stomach. You immediately place a hand on your lower stomach area and let out a frustrated groan.

"Ugh, guess I'm not going to be getting laid these next few days." You sigh before walking to your dresser, taking a pair of underwear and a change of clothes and then making your way to your bathroom.

You decide to take a shower and then get dressed, making sure to attend to your period.

Sighing, you walk back into your room, using your towel to dry your hair. In your room, you grab a heating pad for your stomach area before making your way downstairs.

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