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A few months later, you're now standing at the entrance of the biggest event for your business.

"Y/N!" you hear from the large crowd as you stand at the entrance of the Fortune 100 conference. This causes you to glance around the room curiously as you try to find whoever called your name.

You meet eyes with Yoongi. He waves at you, an eager gummy smile on his face as he gestures for you to go to where he is.

"Jimin-ah is with me, come here!" he says. You nod your head and smile at him before making your way towards the man.

Him and Jimin are standing in front of a list of companies, showing who else is at this conference.

"Look, you're at number 20!" Jimin says excitedly as he places both of his hands on your shoulders, gently shaking you with excitement. His eyes are crinkled as he smiles down at you.

You feel a sensation that you have yet to feel since you first started your business.




You smile widely as you stare down at the list. Your eyes scan as you lift your eyebrows looking over at Yoongi as you catch the name of his company.

"Oh my gosh, Yoongi!" you exclaim before stepping closer to the list, fingertip touching the surface, pointing at the texture of the paper as you look at it. "Number 7?" you ask before stepping over to him.

"Yep, I worked my ass off for that." He states while giving a proud grin. You watch as Jimin smiles eagerly before placing a kiss on Yoongi's face. Yoongi's grin goes away as his face shows an expression of panic.

Ah, you know that face anywhere.

Gay panic. Typical shy Yoongi.

You watch as Jimin teases Yoongi for getting shy.

Jimin pokes Yoongi's side as Yoongi flinches away, growing shy at the sudden public affection.

The sight causes you to feel some sort of way in your heart. You're happy to see the two together and acting like this in public, but there's a little sense of jealousy inside of you.

"Y/N?" you hear behind you. You turn around and look at the person in front of you. "Oh my gosh! Finally, I'm seeing you when both of us are flying solo." Your ex says.

You blankly stare at him before blinking.

After a few seconds of utter silence from you, he uses this opportunity to speak again.

"So, what happened to that boyfriend of yours who tried to fight me in a bar? Get tired of his annoying ass?" he asks while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

You, once again, remain silent as you stare at him.

Whenever you talk, he always comes back. Maybe if you stay quiet, he'll take the hint.

He tilts his head to the side as he stares at you. His eyebrows furrow as he gives a 'what the fuck' look.

You don't let this shake your silent treatment.

"Uh..." he awkwardly says before speaking. "So, what are you doing at this event?"

That does it.

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