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It's finally the weekend and you're in your room, packing a night's worth of clothes in your bag.

"Going out tonight?" you hear behind you. You glance behind you and see Jimin standing there with his arms crossed. You shrug your shoulders.

"My sister's in town early. She wanted to have a day where I can spend time with her." Jimin merely nods his head.

"Is she staying here while she's in town?"

"Not tonight. She already booked an emergency hotel room in case I didn't have an extra room for her. Starting tomorrow, yes, she'll be staying here."

"Okay..." he trails off before sighing. "Listen, I'm sorry for assuming you were lying because you don't trust me. I didn't realize that you might be trying to save my feelings by keeping something from me. That would explain why Seokjin is in on it too." He says before scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry too. I know you hate secrets because we're practically best friends. I shouldn't have rubbed the secret in your face." You smile softly as he steps towards you before pulling you into a tight hug.

"As long as we don't argue anymore, alright?" you nod your head. Jimin pulls away and smiles down at you before ruffling his fingers through your hair, messing it up as you glare up at him. "Sorry, couldn't help it." You sigh and nod your head before turning back to your bag, putting some extra underwear, pajamas and clothes in there.

You and Seokjin already had a plan for today. He left early this morning, claiming that he was going to stop by his parents' house to have dinner there tonight. Jimin believed that Seokjin was going to get some things from his parents' house to put into his room. He'd already been planning on doing that for a few weeks now, which worked out perfectly for your plan.

You pick up the bag and give Jimin a wave as you make your way towards the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, have a good time and tell Lisa I said hi." He states while waving. You nod your head and give him a small grin before opening the front door, bag in hand.

You exit the home before pulling out your phone to text Seokjin.

Y/N: I'm on my way

Seokjin: just checked in

You smile softly before making your way towards your car, getting into the front seat and setting the bag down next to you in the passenger's seat.

You start the engine and turn up the volume of your music while you start making your way out of the front gate. As you arrive at the hotel, you stay in your car in the parking lot contemplating the situation at hand with Jimin.

You still can't help but have a weird feeling that Jimin is in contact with one of three people.

The first scenario is that Jimin has been talking to your ex. For what reason? You don't have a damn clue. You know Jimin wouldn't hurt you, but because he already mentioned that he's protecting you, you have a weird feeling about this.

The second scenario is the one you imagined yesterday on the drive home from Mr. Lee's office. Min Yoongi. Maybe Jimin is acting as the middleman in this lawsuit and he's trying to convince Yoongi to go along with what you're asking. Maybe Jimin is considering becoming an idol and dropped the restraining order to do so with Yoongi's company (despite him saying he's not interested).

The third scenario is the one that you're doubting the most between the three. Your sister, Lisa. Perhaps he's started flirting with her, or possibly having an affair with her, and doesn't want to tell you about it in fear of things becoming awkward between you, the two of them, and her husband. Maybe that's what he meant when he said he's protecting you.

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